Is English More Important Than Math?: English and mathematics are two subjects that always make it to the syllabus of most educational institutions. The reason for this is not far fetched: both subjects are very essential in producing well rounded students.
English is a subject that grooms students to speak and write well in the language. It is usually a compulsory subject in countries where English language is the official language. It would be a mockery of a person’s education if they are not able to communicate properly to defend what they have learnt or to learn in the first place. It is English that you will speak or write to express whatever knowledge you have.
Math on the other hand, is a subject that equips you with skills that you will put into practice even in everyday life. Just like English, Math spurs you to think critically.

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In addition to this, studying Math and solving math problems, prepares the students to find solutions to real life problems too. The process that is emphasised in math teaches students to do things logically and in order. This is really the main purpose of teaching mathematics in schools.
With a good mastery of English language, a person can read, speak and write excellently. A person who is adept in English gives off an aura of intelligence and wisdom at first encounter.
As important as English is, it is not spoken or used in every country of the world like math is. One can say that math is more universal than English. Math is taught in schools all over the world through different languages.
Math is an indispensable part of our everyday lives. It a subject that gets students ready to face and surmount the trials and travails that are sure to beseige them later in life.
The above arguments in favour and against the importance of one subject over the other, is what we hope to settle in this post today. We hope to determine if English is more important than math or if it is the other way round.

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Here are some points to consider:
Advanced Education:
For you to get admitted into an institution of higher learning, one of the core requirements is usually a pass grade in a number of subjects. English and math usually make it to the list of subjects that must be cleared before one can move on to the university or some other tertiary institution of learning.
You are usually expected to have at least a pass grade in both of these subjects in order to be admitted to study any course whatsoever.
However, there may be some variations to this requirement in some places. For instance, in some countries where English is not one of the official languages, it may not be a required subject for admission into tertiary institutions.
Also, depending on the course you are looking to pursue at the University, as well as the rules of the department, you may not necessarily have to pass math to be admitted to study certain pure art courses such as fine and creative arts, theatre arts or linguistics.

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There are certain core skills that most employers are on the look out for in a job applicant who is vying for a post in their establishment. This is especially true if the vacancy is for a high ranking position in the organisation.
It is only wise and fair to choose the best hands to work with you. Employers are thus quick to hire job applicants who have shown evidence of basic practical and cognitive skills such as the ability to think fast, come up with pragmatic solutions to problems, work with little or no supervision, figure slightly complex issues with little or no assistance, and so on.
These skills can easily be learnt from solving math problems.
Apart from the above, employers also want to see that you are good at basic mathematics. It is no wonder then that most job interview or screening tests are engineered to evaluate whether you have a good grasp of basic arithmetic, the common units of measurement, ability to appreciate and interpret visual data and such like.
In the same way, employers of labour want to be sure that a job applicant has a good knowledge of spoken and written English language. This is usually referred to as communication skills and it includes listening skills in addition to speaking and writing skills.
The importance of communication at the work place is of great essence. How can a worker be able to relate with other workers if she cannot communicate effectively and efficiently with them. It would also be nearly impossible for such a worker to understand instructions on how to deal with tasks given to them, ask necessary questions or give the required feedback. Poor knowledge of English language is surely a clog in the wheel of work even if the worker has other practical skills.

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As expected, employers will be more prepared to pay more money for an employee or worker who has both analytical and problem solving skills as well as communication skills.
However, if the employee is lacking in one of the above, the employer is most likely to go for someone who can at least get the job done.
Except if the job requires writing and speaking English or something related to that, an employee who is good at math and thus adept at finding solutions to problems easily, is most likely to be retained and paid more money by the employer.
Besides, studies have shown that science related jobs tend to pay more than the non-science related ones.
Self Confidence and Esteem
A good knowledge of English is sure to give you a certain level of confidence and boldness. You know that you can give your opinion in gatherings without drawing awkward attention due to poor grammar or low vocabulary.
Also, problem solving skills from math gives you an edge over your peers. You will be the one everyone calls upon when there is a difficult situation and people tend to see you as a leader. This is sure to make you feel good about yourself.
People who have poor knowledge of English and math tend to be emotionally down and see themselves as odd.
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The duo of English and math are subjects that you cannot do without the knowledge garnered from them. Even if you are not from an English speaking country, a good knowledge of English will help you get by easily in a world where the English language is widely spoken in many countries. Learning English is thus an investment that yields lifelong returns.
If you are yet to master spoken or written English, do not worry. There are now diverse non- traditional means of learning which you can seize to give yourself the additional advantage you are looking for.
With just your computer and good Internet connection, you can access a slew of online educational resources and teachers of English language to get you started on your journey to mastering the language. It may prove to be a bit difficult to learn math online.
On the whole, the importance of English over math is determined by individual occupation and status. It is not all the time or in all circumstances that you use the skills you learnt in school. A person who plays a musical instrument for a living has very little or no use for math but will always need to speak English in order to relate comfortably with other people both at work and elsewhere. On the other hand, a banker uses math and related skills everyday. This is in addition to communicating in English.
It appears then that English is more important than math. Whatever you do, you need to listen, speak and write English.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.
Mathematics are more important than English language.write against the motion