Acknowledgement: This pages contains the Terms of Service of Visitors and reader of this website are to note that by accessing this site, they already agree to our Terms of Services. On that note, anyone who does not accept our Terms of Service is prohibited from visiting this website on any platform.

Usage License
As you may know, Bscholarly is a Legal and education portal. We disseminate information containing, infographics, Videos and images. Users of this website are allowed to use any of the information contained in this website or any webpage, but that is under the condition that it must be made publicly known that we are the responsible for the content.
Failure to do this is a breach of our copyright which is also explained in our copy right page.
Modification or copying materials on our website
In cases where our content is modified or restructured without giving us credit for the work, it will also be deemed to be a breach of our copyright policy.
Reader are however allowed to use our content for commercial purposes (That is, for advertising or sales).
Readers are also allowed to copy or download our contents into their smartphones and computers for personal usage.
Lastly, videos contained in this website is excluded from those contents that can be modified in this from this website. Anyone who makes use of any video in this website must make reference back to our website or YouTube Channel.
Readers are to also note that we to not give any warranty, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaim and negate all other warranties without limitation. Accordingly, does make any warranty concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on this website or otherwise relating to such materials on any sites linked to this site.
On no circumstance shall be held liable for any damage, including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business Interruption, arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on this site, even if we have been informed orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage.
Revisions and errors
We do not guarantee that every content contained in this website is accurate and free from typographical and grammatical errors. Even though we currently works with experts from different fields, these experts can make mistakes sometimes.
On that note, it is worthwhile to note that every information contained in this page is subject to changes within any publication to users. In fact, we update our frequently in other to correct mistakes and add more value to our pages.
Readers are to note that we are not responsible for any link from any other site pointing to ours. Of course, we know that there are links from other websites, but we do not review all the links and thus, we are also not responsible for all of them or any damage you incurred from such websites.
Your information in our services
Currently, Bscholarly accepts guest posts, on legal or information Niche. We also accept images and videos from users on certain occasions. Note that we are not liable for any disclosure of your information which is in our custody.
We are not also liable, in any way, for any information or data of our users or readers which is received by a third-party who claims to be acting in our name without our permission.
As a last notice, we wish to remind you again that by visiting this website, you accept out Terms of Service and have promised to comply with it. Conversely, where any of the rules in this page is breach by any visitor of user of this website, we have the legal right to sue. Accordingly, readers are to note that this Terms of Service is subject to changes without any notice. Consequently, readers are advised to subsequently check this terms of service to see if any modification has been made to it.
By way of conclusion, we enjoin you to read our privacy policy here and contact us if you have any question concerning this terms of service.