How To Appear Confident And Attractive: It won’t be wrong to say that humans are unique creatures with exceptional inherent peculiarities. Before delving into the peculiarities, let’s talk about some of the human characteristics.
Humans are known to be the most intelligent and crafty being on earth. They possess certain qualities that differentiate them from other lower animals and then placing them at the top as higher animals.
Humans has the ability to think and be rational in their decisions and not rely and act soley on impulse or intuition. Biologically, humans come in different physiological dispositions. Some people are tall while others are not so tall. Some are even exceptionally short.
While some people are light-skinned, others have rather dark skin. Some are more prettier and handsome than others. These features has come to be the subject of reflection to many in the course of their everyday life.
Human existence has been characterized by social objectifications, likes and dislikes, classification and status placements. Some persons are viewed in the society as being more sophisticated, prominent, outspoken, humble, smart, Intelligent, arrogant, educated, confident, polite and respectful.
These attributes has successfully shaped the mind of individuals in a way that affects their personal lives and behavior. People admire certain qualities and want to see themselves living out such qualities. Some people go as far as feeling awkward when they believe they’re not actually livingout their lives in such light as they want.
This inspires a feeling of shame, repress and even feel unattractive. While it is a common phenomenon for people to be attracted to some persons, some people do not find others attractive in anyway.
Attraction can be Natural as well as selfinduced or cultured by the way you present yourself in public. Most people love to be the object of other people’s attraction and also appear confident, these are some of the major concern of people and most especially with the female gender. Our discussion on this topic projects confidence and attraction in both male and female. So, while it has become a matter of concern to some people how to actually appear confident and attractive, especially in public, we will be helping you discover some of the best ways to present yourself attractively and confident at every point in time.
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Top 10 Ways To Appear Confident And Attractive
1. Stop Worrying So Much About What People Would Say: One of the greatest problems with battle with almost everyday of their lives is the concern about other people’s opinion about them.

How other people see them, how much they appreciate them or compliment their efforts and dispositions. Without ruling out the fact that other people’s perception matters, one can not wholy rely on the totality of other people’s opinions and perceptions in concluding or deciding their own fate.
They can’t bank, absolutely on other people’s opinions on everything they do. It’s more of seeking social validation for every aspect of your life and the effect is that, it will end up ruining your self confidence and focus, you end up as a shadow of yourself and practically unattractive.
So, to be more attractive and appear confident, pay less attention to other people’s subjective assessments and view about you and focus more on how to be a better version of yourself.
2. Have A Refined Carriage: It might sound trivial but it, certainly, is not that trivial to pay attention to how you carry yourself. You carriage speaks a lot about your personality and so, if you carry yourself elegantly with respect and pride, it shows how confident you are and that would attract decent personalities to you.

On the other hand, if you pay less attention to how you carry yourself and just live like you don’t care, it sends the opposite signal and that would portray you as lacking in self worth and less attractive.
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3. Be Reasonably Inquisitive: Some person’s might say that they are the introvert kind of person and so always keep to themselves. One of the disadvantages of such trait is that; it projects a timid side of you more than the bold side.

It doesn’t necessarily mean you should change your natural self but, there’s need to adapt to a new and more compromising quality that allows you to show the better side of you first before people get to see your quite and reserved side.
Don’t be part of those that only listen and agrees with everything, hook line and sinker, be reasonably inquisitive, ask questions when necessary and find out more about others, things and the subject of discuss. These would showcase you as being sociable, confident and very attractive to others.
4. Don’t Dwell On Your Faults: When people make mistakes, they see it as a set back. A typical example is when someone commits a grammatical blunder in public, they tend to feel embarrassed and oftentimes shy away from public speaking or always shay away from contributing to a discussion.

This goes to portray you in a rather negative light than positive. You need to understand that humans are fallible and so, it is normal to fall into error ocassionally. The best thing to do in such circumstance is to brushup and move on.
Try to correct yourself boldly and move on. Don’t shy away for the sake of your mistake rather practice more to improve on yourself, that way you will become even better.
5. Rid Yourself Of Inferiority Complex: Just like the preceding point stated, the negative disposition of believing you’re not good enough or presentable or attractive can be self-destructive.

It will only end up making you worse. So, to appear confident and attractive, you need to believe in yourself and rid yourself of any form of inferiority complex. That way, you appear more confident and attractive.
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6. Learn To Wear A Smile: Smile can be contagious. It is a good impression to always wear a smile around people. It sends out positive energy from yourself to others.

It sends a signal about how friendly you can be and that’s a show of confidence. It would make you appear more confident and attractive. People don’t have to be skeptical about having an interaction with you due to your repelling countenance and physical disposition.
7. Present A Good Image Of Yourself: Some person’s bask in the habit of projecting a low esteemed image of themselves. This could be for different reasons like to attract sympathy or lay bare their personal fears.

However, if you want to appear confident and attractive, you must learn to sell yourself with class. Portray the best side of you honestly. Learn to be positive about yourself and dwell less in pessimism. This will ultimately attract people to you and project your self confidence.
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8. Be Bold: Your gender or physiological dispositions does not completely define you. You can be the best of who you want to be. Don’t be intimidated by your looks or status.

Be bold and courageous to stand up for yourself at any particular point in time. This will show how courageous and connfident you are and that is a great quality that is capable of attracting people to yourself.
9. Be Polite And Respectful: There’s definitely no need or gain being rude to other people just to establish dominance or showcase yourself worth.

As a matter of fact, people appreciate people who are decent, polite and very respectful. It speaks more about the person’s personality in a more positive way. It goes to show how cultured you are and how friendly you can be. It is certainly a good way to appear confident and attractive.
10. Compliment Others: Almost everyone loves compliment. Just as you feel great and feel a boost in your confidence when others compliment you, try to also compliment others.

In that way, you’re making the love and vibe go round and that would make people find you attractive and that in itself boosts your confidence, knowing that people appreciate your personality and dispositions.
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In a subtle conclusion, in as much as you have your natural disposition, try to understand how it portrays you in the eyes of others without loosing yourself, then, appreciate yourself. In appreciating yourself, also try to be friendly and contributive to other people’s lives, positively by being yourself in the nicest way possible. Follow the tips above and glow in confidence and attraction.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.