How to remember what you read for long time: You must become a critical, active reader to recall what you read. Develop your critical reading skills by understanding why you’re reading the content, visualizing key concepts and ideas, and asking yourself questions as you read. Finally, by discussing the content with others, rephrasing it in your own words, and rereading key concepts and ideas, you may store the knowledge in your long-term memory bank.

There are 4 main steps to remembering what you read which will be discussed below.
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How to remember what you read
Step1. Setting the Stage for Reading and Remembering
a. By reading the information, you may figure out what you want to accomplish: “What am I expected to learn by reading this?” or “Why am I studying this?” You’ll be able to remain on target and concentrate on the most important sections of the text if you know why you’re reading it. If you remember that you’re studying for an exam, for instance, you’ll be able to concentrate on crucial dates, events, and individuals.

b. Get to know the subject: Do a short online search to learn more about the subject. The further you learn and know about a subject, the more likely you are to establish connections and recall knowledge. If you’re going to read about Religion, for example, put “Religion” into your web browser. Next, using an article like Wikipedia, educate yourself with the fundamentals of religion.
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c. Select the major points from the information by skimming over them: Take notice of the headlines, photos, graphs, excerpts, charts, and first paragraphs before you begin reading the information. Concentrate on the crucial data that satisfies your reading goal. Scanning the material helps you develop a wider image of the topic, which makes it easier to recall significant information by priming your memory, orienting your thoughts so you can concentrate on crucial information, and assisting you in forming a general overview of the content.

d. Short sections of text should be read: It’s a painful read when you can’t concentrate. As a result, read in small pieces to enhance your concentration. Read only a chunk or 15 – 20 minutes at a stretch, for instance. Go through everything you just read in your head when you’ve finished reading the section.
Gradually increase the time you spend reading each day or week to improve your reading tolerance. For instance, if you read in 10- to 15-minute pieces one week, try and read for 20- to 25-minute segments the following week.

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Step 2. Learning to Read Critically
a. Take careful notes: Take notes on what you learn as you are reading. You will recall the information well if you write it down on paper. If you’re reading about Islam, for example, jot down the five tenets of Islam. You may also highlight key points or jot down any ideas that immediately spring to mind as you read.
This is an example of active reading, in which you actively participate in the text rather than merely absorb it. Active reading can assist you in better absorbing and remembering the information.
b. Important topics should be highlighted: Make an effort to just highlight the most critical and pertinent facts. Identify a few significant terms in a section, for example. Ask yourself, “Can this knowledge satisfy my objective for reading the text?” whenever you want to highlight something. If the response is no, it is preferable not to accentuate it.
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c. Make a connection between the information and something you’re already familiar with: Connect new knowledge with previously learned information. Your brain will retain new knowledge in your long-term memory vault by linking it with previous knowledge. If James Madison was born in the same year as your mother, for instance, you will be more able to recall the event if you relate his birthday to the birthday of someone you know.
If you don’t grasp the basic foundations, it’s tough to comprehend complicated topics. If you’re experiencing difficulties comprehending what you’re trying to read, going back to the fundamentals could help.
d. Think in terms of visuals: Making mental images for the stuff you read can help you remember it better than simply reading it without any mental images. Create mental images of significant events, ideas, or people. This is a very useful technique for visual learners.

Remember a significant date, such as the start of a fight, by seeing the conflict in your mind and writing the date in large letters. You may also try sketching out the combat scenario and marking the start and end dates below it.
e. Read the passage aloud to yourself: Try reading crucial material out aloud if you are an auditory learner. You will likely recall the topic better if you say and hear the stuff. Readout loud the key facts you’ve highlighted, as well as the solutions to your questions.
You may also recall crucial knowledge by using word association. To assist you to recall vital information, use rhymes or songs, for example.
f. Pose questions to yourself regarding the material: “How can this material connect with what I already know as well as what I don’t know?” ask yourself as you read the content. “How did the writer bring this up?” “Do I appreciate this idea or term?” “Can you provide me the proof of this claim?” “What is this paragraph’s major point?” “Can I agree with the writer’s findings?”
You will more likely retain pertinent information far better if you start answering these concerns.

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Step 3. Reinforcing Your Memory
a. In your own words, rephrase what you’ve read: Jot down what you read from your perspective when you complete reading a piece. This will assist you in determining which facts you recall and which information you do not recall. Reread the facts that you couldn’t recall or that you couldn’t put into your own words.
It’s not necessary to rewrite entire portions on your terms. Simply jot out a concise summary or breakdown of the most important topics. Commit to a few main points or brief paragraphs as much as possible.
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b. Talk to somebody about the topic: Discuss what you’ve learned with a friend, member of the family, or classmate once you’ve finished reading. In your mind, the act of discussing the subject will build new connections. This will assist you in determining which material you comprehend and can recall, as well as which information you do not comprehend and cannot recall. Reread the facts that you had problems remembering and understanding. Then, with a friend or relative, go over the facts once more.
c. Read the material again: Retaining any sort of knowledge requires a lot of repetition. After you’ve finished reading anything, look through the key concepts and ideas you emphasized or underlined again. Reread the section where the notions and ideas are interwoven as well.
Return to the material after a day or two. Reread and test yourself on the key topics and ideas.
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Except you save it, underline it, and make a point of applying what you’ve read in this post to your life, odds are you’ll forget what you’ve read the next day. This is something you should bookmark and return to later so you can remember what is needed to improve your recollection of the material you read.
It is a waste of time to watch movies and read without understanding. Find methods to interact with the material in the things you see and read to get the most out of it. Consider how much you’re losing out on if you pass up on these opportunities.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.