Cost Of Travelling To Canada From Nigeria 2024 (Updated Expenses)

Cost Of Travelling To Canada From Nigeria: With the increasing detriments of living in Nigeria such as High cost of living, insecurity, bad leadership, low observance of the rule of law, low standard of living, and depleted infrastructures, the desire amongst many  citizens to leave Nigeria has intensified over the years and one desired destination of travellers from Nigeria is Canada as Canada is a great place for furthering your Education, Living, conducting your business or embarking on Vacation.

How much does it cost to immigrate to Canada from Nigeria?
How much does it cost to immigrate to Canada from Nigeria?

These and more are the reasons why thousands of Nigerians travel to Canada each year and many more are still currently seeking to travel and relocate to Canada. In case you are amongst the people seriously seeking to relocate to Canada either temporarily or permanently or to travel there for Vacation; this Article is going to give you a guide on the ways you can employ to travel to Canada and the overall cost of travelling to Canada.

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Ways of Travelling To Canada

The following are the ways which you can employ to travel to Canada from Nigeria:

1. Express Entry: Express Entry is an electronic system used by the Canadian government to manage the application of skilled workers who wish to become permanent residents of Canada. Express entry is the easiest and most popular way of relocating to Canada from Nigeria.

Total Cost of Express Entry Canada Visa in Nigerian Naira
Total Cost of Express Entry Canada Visa in Nigerian Naira

Express entry grants your Application to immigrate to Canada as well as acquire Canadian permanent residence and this is granted based on the score of an applicant in the point based Comprehensive Ranking System (CPS). This CPS allocates points to applicants based on accessing factors such as English Proficiency, Age, Educational Credentials and Qualifications, Work experience and a couple of other additional factors.

Applicants with the highest points will receive an invitation to apply for Permanent Residency in Canada, which therefore makes it possible for you to travel to Canada and live there for some years either 5 years or 10 years depending on the kind of permanent Residency which you get.

2. Provincial Nomination (PN): Another way to relocate to Canada from Nigeria is through the Provincial Nominee program. To apply for this you must decide where you want to live in Canada and apply to that province for a Nomination.
Afterwhich your desired province could nominate you and if they do only then could you proceed to apply for permanent residence.

To apply for this Permanent Residence you must fill the requisite Application form, Pay all the necessary Application fee for permanent Residence, pay a biometrics fee, pay third party free and submit your application afterwards. You are also required to undergo medical examination and get a Police Certificate certifying that you have a clean criminal record in Nigeria.

When all these and other requisite documents for the application are submitted, a Decision will be made on your application as to whether you meet all the eligibility criteria, whether you have the funds to support yourself in Canada, whether you are admissible to live in Canada based on your Medical examination, Police Certificate and other information. If all these details align in the positive, your application will be approved and you will therefore be granted a permanent residency to Canada after you must have paid the Right of Permanent Residence Fee.

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3. Studying in Canada: Another way to gain permanent residence and relocate to Canada from Nigeria is through getting a Student Visa to relocate to Canada to further your studies.

You may get a Canadian Student Visa by applying online on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Website, sending your Visa Application documents, providing the acceptance letter from the designated institution which must be recognized by the Canadian government, supplying proof as to a sound medical condition, evidence of a clean criminal record in Nigeria and of the possession of the financial manpower to support your studies in terms of Tuition fees, expenses and living.

If this is approved you will be granted a Student Visa which will enable you to relocate to Canada to Study and this Student Visa expires 90 days after you have completed your studies in Canada.
Alternatively, you may acquire a post-graduation work permit which enables you to remain in Canada after your studies and gain any sort of employment anywhere in Canada.

This application for a post-graduate work permit must come within 180 days after the completion of your study program, after which it will take a little while to be processed and granted to you to stay and work in Canada for a longer period.

How much does it cost to travel to Canada from Nigeria in Naira?
How much does it cost to travel to Canada from Nigeria in Naira?

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4. Atlantic Immigration: Another way to relocate to Canada from Nigeria is by getting a job in any of the Canada’s four Atlantic provinces, namely: New Foundland/ Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

Thus, if you receive a Job offer from any designated employer in any of these Atlantic Canada province, you may apply for the Atlantic Immigration Pilot. In applying, you are to choose an immigration program  within this Atlantic Immigration Pilot; either an Atlantic International Graduate Program, Atlantic High skilled program, Atlantic High skilled program or an Atlantic Intermediate skilled program.

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After choosing any of these aforementioned programs depending on the nature of your job, you must make sure that your job meets the following requirements:

a. Your Job offer must be completed in an office of Employment to a foreign National form

b. Your employer must be designated as one taking part in the Atlantic Immigration Pilot

c. Your Job offer must be a full-time job

d. This job must be a job skill type for the program listed by the National occupational classification.

e. Your Job offer must be for a minimum of one year

f. You must be qualified for the job and capable of effectively discharging your duties of the job.

If all these requirements are met and successfully approved, you will be granted a Work permit to travel and relocate to Canada to work. Alternatively, depending on the line of your job; you may apply for the Canada Agri-food immigration pilot which enables Farm and Livestock workers seeking to relocate to Canada for Work to gain permanent residence to relocate, work and stay at Canada.

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5. Applying for Canada Tourist Visa: In case you are seeking to spend your holiday, vacation or just some temporary time at Canada, one way to do so is by applying for the Canadian Tourist Visa or Temporary Resident Visa.

You may apply for this online and physically, providing details such as your Nigerian Passport, International Passport, Explanation of trip, letter of invitation (which is a letter written by someone you have a close relationship with in Canada inviting you to host you in their country), proof of available funds to survive in Canada for the time being, and some other requisite details.

If this is approved you will be granted a Canadian Temporary Resident Visa which will enable you to travel to Canada from Nigeria to spend some time there.

These are the major ways which you can either travel or permanently relocate to Canada from Nigeria. Processing any of these aforementioned ways is not as easy as said as it is quite stressful, takes time to process and is also quite expensive. Let’s therefore examine this cost of travelling to Canada from Nigeria.

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How much does it cost to visit Canada?

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Cost Of Travelling To Canada From Nigeria 2024

In processing your application to travel to Canada, you are required to pay the following fees in Canadian Dollar (CAD) equivalent of Naira:

a. Language Test fee which is 150,000 when converted in Naira.

b. Education Credential Assessment which is 140,000 Naira.

c. Educational Transcript which costs 20,000 Naira.

d. Medical Examination Fee which is 80,000 Naira.

e. Police Report Fee which is 10,000 Naira.

f. Application Processing Fee which is 220,000 Naira.

g. Right of Permanent Residency fee which is 228,000 Naira.

h. Payment for Biometrics which is 40,000 Naira

i. International Passport in case you don’t have one and getting a new International Passport for this application costs 80,000 Naira.

j. Passport Photographs- 5,000 Naira.

k. Work permit fee – 100,000 Naira.

l. Study Permit costs 100,000 Naira.

g. Economic Immigration Fee is 277,000 Naira.

h. Visitor Visa Fee coats 62,000 Naira.

How much is a plane ticket from Nigeria to Canada?
How much is a plane ticket from Nigeria to Canada?

Finally, a Plane ticket from Nigeria to Canada costs 800,000 Naira – 2 Million Naira depending on the Airline which you are using for the flight, but irrespective of the brand of Airline which you are using for the flight, you will be rest assured to pay a minimum of 500, 000 Naira for your flight ticket to travel to Canada.

So therefore depending on what are applying for, your desired way of applying, reason for travelling to Canada and the processing of the documents and payment of the fees for such Application, you will be rest assured to spend nothing less than 1,500,000 Naira to travel or permanently relocate to Canada from Nigeria. This cost will even more if you are travelling  together with your family or friends.

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A Few Things To Know About Canada and Canadians

While Canada’s culture profile is vast, there are a few things that are common, regardless of where you are in the country. Let’s take a look at a few of them:

How much is flight visa from Nigeria to Canada?
How much is flight visa from Nigeria to Canada?

a. Most Canadians are polite and helpful. They also tend to apologize a lot, but that is because they are kind.

b. Don’t be fooled by the price list in supermarkets and on restaurant menus. You might have to pay higher due to the federal sales tax and, in some cases, provincial taxes.

c. The tipping culture is a bit different. Tips are not part of the bills; however, it is standard practice to leave a tip of at least 15% of the total bill.

d. Canadians love hockey. To them it is more than a sport. It is an integral part of their culture which is why canadians can relate to everything about the sport.

e. They also love their maple syrup. The country offers different variants of the delicacy, and many other products come infused with the delicacy. Considering how delicious these products tend to be, the love for maple syrup isn’t that surprising.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Godwin

    U always give me what i want thanks 4 dat it really helps and broken down very well

  2. Ilepe

    Thank you very much

  3. Ifeoma

    Sir,I need to get in touch to know more about relocating to Canada.

  4. Aishat

    I will like to no more how can I contact u

  5. Emecheta Maureen ujunwa

    How can I get an international passport here

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