How To Pass Exam Without Reading: Reading is one of the those academic activities many students will want to put an end to if they have the power to do so. Often times, students have wished they could just pass examinations in school without reading. But it seems stupid to say that any one can pass exam without reading.
That notwithstanding, i won’t also agree with the fact that anyone who doesn’t read for and examination will fail. Today, as i will be shearing with you some tentative ways to pass exam without actually reading your books before the examination.
Thus, if you have been searching the internet for tips on how to pass any examination without reading your books, then you are in the right place.
This article contains some working tips that can help students prepare for examination without reading very hard for the examination. Quickly, lets move to the crux of this topic.

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How To Pass Exams In School Without Reading
The following will help you pass any school examination without reading your books before the exam:
- Attend class frequently
- Listen carefully during teachings
- Join educative discussion groups
- Make what you have learnt pragmatic
- Refresh your memory few minutes before the examination
- Learn not to be dogmatic
- Predict your examination questions and prepare for them
Okay! That is a list of the seven working tips for passing exams without reading I will be discussing in this article. I enjoin you to continue reading for a better and clearer explanation of these points. Trust me; you will not regret reading this work.
1. Attend class frequently: To pass any school examination without reading, you must endeavour to attend classes frequently. This is also one of the top secrets of brilliant students. The truth is that, there is absolutely not way you can understand anything vividly without without being thought in the classroom. Sometimes your teacher can even share tips that may not be contained in the recommended textbooks.

It is very possible that you only attend classes and pass your exams with good grades without even reading hard for the examination. Teachings in the classroom are oftentimes, more comprehensive and detailed.
Thus, the first and foremost step to pass examinations without reading is to attend classes frequently. Trust me; if you do this, you will see that reading is only necessary to refresh your memory on a topic that has already been taught in the classroom.
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2. Listen carefully during teachings: It is not enough that you only attend classes. It is also pertinent that you listen carefully whenever you come to class. Understanding what is being thought in class is also paramount to achieve the aim of this article.

Study has shown that students tend to retain what they understand more longer than what they crammed or read without understanding. So, it is right to say that your attending classes is incomplete without understanding what is thought in class. If you can possibly understand all what is thought in the classroom explicitly, then it will be very easier for you to put them down during examinations even when you didn’t read hard.
You should also endeavour to ask questions when you are confused in the classroom. No matter how absurd your question might be, always get answers to it from your teachers. That will clear you right in the classroom rather than getting confused while taking exams.
3. Join educative discussion groups: Joining educative groups is also of great importance if you want to pass any school examinations without reading your books. An educative group can be formed with your friends, classmates or possibly in the internet. It should be a platform where you discuss what is being thought in the classroom with others.

Discussion groups is one of the most tentative way to learn, and equally teach others without necessarily being in a formal setting like the classroom. It is a good way to learn without reading books.
Educative discussion groups can equally help you pass examinations without reading your books. This assertion has been proven to be true because, there are many students who learn more faster when they are being thought by their friends, classmates or students of the same education level.
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4. Make what you have learnt pragmatic: Another awesome tip that will help you pass examinations without necessarily reading your books is making what you learnt in the classroom pragmatic. By making it pragmatic, I mean you should put it into practice.

There is absolutely no doubt that what are being thought in the classroom are oftentimes difficult to understand and sometimes they are vast. However, you can make them very easy and concise by using a simple and real analogy, that will help you understand and remember them during exams. And by so doing, you will not necessarily have to read before going to write your examinations.
5. Refresh your memory few minutes before the examination: This is undoubtedly a good and tentative way of passing any examination. Personally, I do it a lot. Yes! I always refresh my memory on any topic before going into the examination hall. It will help you remember most things when you see them in your examination paper.

All you have to do is to look for a quiet and calm place, try to flash your memory through everything you have been thought in the classroom. If you forget any topic, make sure you ask someone or quickly get a book to clarify yourself on that.
Believe it or not, this works very well. Whether or not you want to pass any examination without reading, always make sure you refresh your memory on everything you have been thought. More so, make sure you come to the examination center on time. It will help you take away the fear of failure and tension. No doubt, this is one of the ways to pass exam without reading hard.
6. Learn not to be dogmatic: Being dogmatic is one of the things you must avoid if you really want to pass your exams without reading hard. Even students that join educative discussion groups and other educative activities, may still find it very difficult to understand what they were thought because they are dogmatic.

Dogmatic students believes that everything other people know is inferior to theirs. Most often than not, this makes it very difficult for them to learn from others and in some cases, they don’t even listen to their teachers in school.
To pass any examinations without reading your books, you must learn not to be dogmatic but to be open-minded to understand everything you are thought. It is not just necessary, it is a must if you want to pass examinations without reading for it.
7. Predict your examination questions and prepare for them: One awesome trick that can also help you pass any examination without reading, is predicting the questions that will be asked in the exam, and preparing for them. This may sound funny, but it really works.

After you must have attended class, discuss with friends on what is thought in the classroom, you will be able tell those parts that where emphasised during classes, and will definitely be asked in your exams. So, if you don’t want to open your books to read, then you should be able to predict your exam questions, and prepare ardently for them. And like I have said before now, what will help you do this is the attention you give to your teachers in the classroom.
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Yes! There you have them all. With the above enumerated points, you can pass any examination in school without reading your books before writing it. Remember, to make this work; you must adhere to all the above points. I hope this helps?
That notwithstanding, i would love to hear from you if you have any question or contribution to make on this topic. Well, this is a very controversial topic. Many people have different opinions on it. So, make sure you tell me what you think using the comment box below this post. I will be glad to hear from you!

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.
Thank you. Reading appetite is depends on the result also. If after many attempts one can not pass in a subject then the person may lose interest to read the subject again. What can be done at that point? And the person has only that subject to complete the stage.