Characteristics Of A Sigma Male: Sociology and psychology played a very instrumental role in discovering, studying and ascribing description and categories to various personality traits. The categorizations have made everything meaningful by discovering the characteristics supported by empirical study and reasoning which justifies the positions. Sigma male is not frequently talked about as much as its counterparts, Alpha male and Beta male. At this juncture, it is necessary to make a brief description in order to distinguish the concepts for a better appreciation of our main topic of discourse.
The most popular of these categorizations is the alpha male, and owing to the patriarchal nature of the society, the concept of alpha male is as much dominant as the import of the concept itself. An alpha male is a dominant, assertive and protective male or man. He is characterized with success and the ability to take charge. He is expected to be demanding, bold and self- confident, influential, extroverted and charismatic. An alpha male has his ego to protect, which in turn, forms part of his motivating factor to take charge and never to operate below expectation.
Beta male is the direct opposite of the concept. He is a man who is less competent or desirable than an alpha male. A beta male is described as a submissive male. He is not independent, he does not own all that ability to lead, he is not a fan of conflict, and he is not aggressive and competitive. His positive attributes are however, overwhelming and commendable, for he is responsible, calculative, respectful, trustworthy, and so on.
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A sigma male is neither entirely an alpha nor beta male. He is a man within the socio-sexual hierarchy who has chosen to live his life outside of the normal social hierarchical structures of the society. Thus, this trait is not common. It is otherwise referred to as lone wolf nonconformist.
The discovery of this particular societal hierarchical came later in time when it was observed that there could actually be a hybrid setting of the two popularly known categories, alpha and beta. By the characteristics of Sigma male, he stands in a middle position.
He seems to be out of the society and focused on himself, and as such, he is highly independent. Sigma males are not guided by societal perceptions. They seem to be on the voyage of their own. Their unique attribute is where they draw their strength from; and through their disposed mindsets, they break boundaries and achieve unimaginable things.
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Top 9 Signs & Characteristics of a Sigma Male
The following are the characteristics of a sigma male:
1. Independence: Independence is a determining characteristic of a Sigma male. Thus, even if other characteristics are lacking or obscure, this one must not be found wanting. A sigma male has his own rules whether or not he is conscious of them. The point is, he is not guided by societal perceptions and stereotypes. He is not persuaded by outsider thoughts, neither does he seek validations.

2. He is unrestricted: A sigma male is not subdued by norms and conventions. In fact, he is unconventional. He does his things his own way and he is unaffected by boundaries, hence his ability to focus and break stereotypes. He follows the path of unconventionality even when it means being on a voyage of his own. In his unconventionality, he is mindless of being criticized.

A sigma male places criticisms where it is ideally meant to be; he either disregards them entirely or he derives strength and motivation from them. The point is, restrictions and boundaries are not for him for they do not add up. This trait is borrowed from the alpha male but is very much amplified at its peak for a sigma male. His degree of unconventionality earned him the alternateive name, nonconformist.
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3. He is a Loner: A sigma male is comfortable with being a loner, hence its alternative reference as lone wolf. Of course, no man is an Island. A sigma male does not necessarily despise people. He simply does not mind if he is lonely. Nothing stops him from associating with people, and he actually does. Loneliness does not affect his strength and productivity. In fact, it rather operates to his advantage. He is however, not a subscriber of the large population policy. Maintaining a small circle is his characteristic.

Maintaining this small circle actually brings to life and effect, other of his attributes such an independence and unconventionality. Its alternative name as lone wolf is a figurative expression (simile) which is employed to liken them to the traits of an actual lone wolf. A sigma male works best with few numbers, and he is comfortable with working alone, should that be the case.
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4. Decisiveness: A Sigma male is characterized with decisiveness. Being a loner and working with few numbers helps him to be meticulous and calculative. Thus, his purpose, means and ideas are always conclusive, and worse is the case that he does not even seek validation from the society.

5. He does not seek to be the centre of attention: A sigma male is not interested in societal validation, as has been implicated in prior analysis. He is focused on his purpose and he is not interested in being recognized, let alone trying to please people. It works as though he wears a garb of invisibility. And even though he is visible, the outcome of his visibility arising from opinions and commentaries are none of his business.

6. He is self-sufficient: Being a sigma male is all he needs. He believes he has what it takes to achieve his purpose. He does not desire to bother people, although he may not mind being bothered from his own side.
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7. He has an alpha male potential: A sigma male has alpha male traits inherent in him. Recall that the sigma male concept is positioned at a place in-between alpha male and beta male. While he is characterized with being open to some traits from alpha and beta, the traits of alpha male is domineering, and chances are greater that he will manifest them characteristically.
8. They tend to be themselves always: A sigma male have got nothing to prove or fake, since he tends to be detached from the society, its norms and stereotypes. To this extent, they are characterized with being real regardless of the setting and the people around them.

9. Self-Consciousness: A sigma male is not distracted by societal norms and stereotypes. Moreover, he tends to be a loner. This further explains why a sigma male has all it takes to be self-conscious. He is focused on himself and he is less distracted by the society. In that manner, chances are greater that he is calculative and meticulous.

9. Balanced Leadership: A sigma male does not need all that effort in order to be a leader. He possesses what it takes to lead even without being an authority.
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The status of sigma male is not in any way being portrayed to be a perfect life. Every life position is checked with merits and demerits peculiar to them. A sigma male does not have it all. For whichever hierarchy one is, channeling the potentials appropriately as well as placing a balance on one’s need and comfort, is what guarantees better results.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.