How to Make A Study Time Table: Everyone who is a student knows what a study time table is, however, not a lot of them understand what a study time table is. A study time table is a schedule well structured which allows one to plan out study times, as well as lives necessities like eating, sleeping, hanging out with friends, and sleeping.
A study time table is an inexpensive handy too which could help one have control over their studies. It would give you incite on what you do. A study timetable gives one the perspective on what is needed to accomplish the required task and the time which would be spent on it.

As the saying goes, “Failing to plan is planning to fail”. Making a study time table is one step forward to preparing for an academic success. Using a study time table enables one to see what is on the schedule for the day and across the week. Also making a study time table helps to remind you of an upcoming assessment and exams.
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Importance of a study Time Table
A good and well constructed time table creates a rhythm and the appropriate routine, that could be both comforting to teachers and to students. The importances of making study time tables are:
a. Prevents Time and Energy Wastage: A time table is a mirror of your plans which reflects what you want to do and when you want to do it. It shows exactly what you need to be done at a particular time.
Therefore directing the activity of the student one after another, hence the energy of the student is directed to a particular activity at a time, thereby preventing the wastage of time.
b. Equitable Distribution of Time: A study time table gives due place, emphasis, and extension to various activities and subjects, according to their importance and difficulties.
This activity is necessary for a student because it helps the student pay more attention to the most difficult subject and allocate the appropriate time to it.
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c. Helps in the formulation of Good habits: A good time table helps to inculcate the habit of punctuality, orderliness, and steady purpose in students. It ensures progress and regularities. The adherence to a time table is just a secret to achieving success by preventing laxity.
d. Helps in achieving desired goals: Abiding by the time table produces consistent effort and pattern which results to a specific goal and results. Whatever it may be, whether achieving a specific score or a required position, consistency and adherence to the time table daily helps achieve all these goals.
e. Regulates the Body Clock: The time table is the activity check which regulates the body clock from dawn to sun set. It’s a cycle which regulates all the activities of the day.
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How To Create A Daily Study Timetable/Plan As A Student
1. Check your current Schedule: By checking your current schedule, you make a list of your current responsibilities, think and write down all that is required of you, analyze your present class timetable and how busy you are. By thinking about this before hand, you would be able to determine the right allocation of time to your time table. In making this time table, some things should be put into consideration like:
a. All the classes to be attended should be considered including the extracurricular activities like sports, exercise, and chores, and any other thing which is done by the day.
b. Consider how many hours a day you would study and the time you would spend on other things, don’t forget peoples birthdays and major events or holidays.
c. You probably might not have all the answers at a time but that is ok, it could be thought of later.
d. Consider cutting out some activities by doing some math’s to see what could be removed. A lot of students find it difficult to balance their activities and also realize they spend more time on frivolities than their academic activities.

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2. Set Up Your Academic Goals: After checking your schedule, the next thing to do is to collect all the right information. Getting the necessary information and setting up an academic goal would help you to be accountable for all action taken during the academic session.

To set this goal, some steps should be taken:
a. Write down a specific goal which is measurable and achievable.
b. The second step is to complete your goals by committing to the number of hours you would be dedicating to studying in other to achieve that goal.
3. Consider optimal times of the day to study then list the deadline:
When you study and the vest time which would enable you study should be put into consideration, thinking about this would help you do your best at your schedule appointment. Also before filling in the time table, considerations should be made with regards to the list of deadlines and upcoming social events, and make sure to list everything.
Such deadline may range from feedback on an assignment to a friend’s birthday. Listing out all these would allow you to fix your study schedule at the most effective time which would help in productivity and help maintain other commitments.
When the schedule is made and it is time to study, try not to think about other responsibilities except your books.
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4. Decide on a Format: You could make your time table on a piece of paper or in a spreadsheet format, such as a spreadsheet or an app on the phone. However, this is a modern age and one would not have to wait till he gets a hold of the hard copy before accessing the schedule. Therefore it is advisable to have a physical time table hang over your desk and also have them on your devices which you could access from any place.

a. Spreadsheet programs like Apple Numbers, Microsoft Excel, offer great solutions.
b. Also, an online solution may be chosen. A well reviewed program is My Study Life.
c. Whether online or on the phone, a physical timetable is highly recommended. They both have their advantages in that the digital timetable might be so easy to set up while a physical timetable (hardcopy) maybe more fun too have, color and personalize.
d. You could also choose to combine paper with digital by printing it out.
5. Prioritize your List: The next step is to prioritize your list in order to keep your academic goal in front of your mind. Use a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest and 1 the lowest, to rank your level of commitment and deadline. Note the rating down next to the commitment already listed. Note that while making this list; it is important to be realistic.

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6. Schedule in your Classes, study Sessions and Commitments: We are almost done; it’s time to schedule your classes, social commitments, and deadlines into the study time table. By so doing, you would be able to see where your study schedule could fit in, however, do not forget to allocate time for eating, sleeping, and other personal activities.

When this is done, don’t be deterred that you classes, social activities, and deadlines fills up your schedule this is where you would fall back to your priorities.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.