How To Keep a Conversation Going With A Girl: Talking to females is a crucial skill for your development. You must know how to initiate a conversation with a girl to become close to them. On multiple levels, you must be able to provoke, interest, and connect with her. However, maintaining a nice and entertaining discussion, particularly one that may persist for a long period, can be a difficult endeavour. Even more so if you’re not sure how to approach, respond, or talk to them.

Thus, I will discuss with you numerous strategies that will ensure your success in connecting with a lady and getting her to like you through a simple conversation.
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15 Tips On How To Keep An Interesting Conversation Going With A Girl
1. Begin by inviting her to a conversation: Pay attention to the situation and tailor your invitation to fit the situation. Don’t ask her a weird scientific question when she’s drinking at a bar, for example. Here are a few options for achieving this.

Make a recommendation if you want to begin up a discussion with a female you don’t know. For example, if you encounter a gorgeous girl at a coffee shop who appears uncertain about her order, suggest your favourite drink or tell her that just by looking at her, you’ll be able to determine precisely what she wants. Start with some shared interests if you already know the girl. If you’re both in school, comment on your academics or discuss your extracurricular interests.
Compliment her. Tell her if she looks beautiful that day or if she said something fantastic in the workplace. Don’t be afraid to praise her hair, smile, or outfit. Keep a safe distance from her more feminine features. Make sure the compliment you’re giving is sincere and not a ruse.
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2. Ask her some questions: You like to show her that you’re interested in her while also assessing if she’s truly deserving of your attention. A well-crafted question will make her ponder, laugh, and like you all at once.
“Yes” and “no” questions should be avoided. “Did you like the latest film that came out this Saturday?” will get either a “yes” or a “no,” but it is unlikely to prompt a greater response. Rather, inquire as to what other films she has watched and why she like them. This sort of question will get a much more detailed response from her.

Find out what she’s interested in. Ask as to why she loves what she likes or believes what she believes. Rather than asking her questions only to get her to talk, ask her something about which you want to learn more.
People enjoy discussing themselves. If you learn about her interests, the discussion will flow smoothly and easily. This is the simplest method for establishing a connection.
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3. Maintain a positive impression during the talk: Since you would like to discover what there is to know concerning her, it is necessary to present yourself in the best way possible.

Discuss a topic that inspires you to be enthusiastic and eloquent. You’re going to be at your finest when you’re chatting about something extremely good. If you’re a music fanatic, tell her your favourite musician. If you have a hobby or something you enjoy doing, tell her about it. Make sure you offer her the same amount of attention. You want to talk about yourself, but if all you do is talk about yourself, she’ll feel you’re self-centred and won’t talk to you.
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4. Talk about her interests: You may be wondering how do I know her interests, we live in the world of social media now and I’m sure before you guys agreed to go on a date, you guys have talked a couple of times, you can use during that time to get to know her interests. Someone once told me that if I really wanted to get to know someone, I should ask what they LIKE to do instead of what they do for a living. While it is obviously a topic that will come up at some point or another, never start out with talking about work.

This brings up stress from work and can cause a person’s mood to shift. If you ask them what they like to do, you’ll get them talking about their passions and they’ll not only have a lot to say about it, they’ll be in a much better mood.
5. Other people’s stories: You might wanna talk about stuffs that happened somewhere else, to a friend or someone but let it not be in a gossip way before you leave the girl thinking you talk about people, you can add this stories especially when you people are talking about stuffs relating to them, you can add the stories to make it more interesting and make the conversation longer.

You don’t have to just stick to what you know. If she’s talking about something that you know a friend had a really funny story about, go ahead and share it. Pulling from someone else’s experiences gives you more material to cover, Not only will you keep the conversation going with a girl, but you’ll also give her insight into your life with your friends and/or family. Then, she’ll be able to get to know you better as well.
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6. Allow for pauses: It’s quite OK that you won’t be able to come up with something to say at every moment during the conversation. Pauses are a common occurrence in discourse. Allow her to become accustomed to the concept of pauses by selectively employing pauses or thoughts in your speech.

When people communicate, their speech rates automatically synchronize. This means that individuals automatically imitate the speed with which the other person speaks. As a result, if you speak slowly, she will also speak slowly, and the conversation will last longer. Being confident rather than scared is the key to speaking slowly.
Consider the pauses as an opportunity for her to impress you. You don’t have to come up with subject after topic for discussion. You want to gently ask her to take the initiative during the lull. If she does, you’ll know she’s having fun conversing with you.
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7. Maintain a light tone throughout your discourse: Don’t bring up any contentious topics or anything that can make her feel uneasy. Also, don’t gossip about other people, as this may lead her to believe you aren’t very polite.

Practice telling amusing stories. People enjoy hearing tales of hilarious things that have occurred to you, rather than just jokes. So keep note of amusing or entertaining events in your life and practice telling the narrative with others.
Know what’s going on in the pop culture. Keep up with the newest celebrity news and film and music releases. You’ll always have something light to chat about if you know what’s going on in the world. Plus, the quantity of stuff you have could simply amaze her.
8. Pay attention to body language: Make strong eye contact, sit up straight, and smile genuinely at her. She’ll think you’re concentrating on her if you do these things. Keep an eye on how she moves her body. You may be certain that she’s into you if she establishes eye contact with you, softly brushes your arm, or leans in toward you as you’re chatting.
Also, make sure your body language is appropriate. Avoid crossing your arms, tapping your feet, sighing, or groaning aloud. All of these tics indicate that you’re bored or unhappy with her. You may be losing her attention if she’s continually looking away, playing with her drink or jewellery, or acting as if she can’t wait to go away.
9. Maintain a constant focus on her: Let her know you believe she’s important. Don’t be unwilling to move from the limelight. Rather, concentrate mainly on her. If you’re having a chat with a female, stop pressing your phone. You could return to find that she’s moved on if you walk outside to take a call.

Should you happen to run across pals, introduce them to her while staying focused on your talk. Try to convey subtle communication to your pals, indicating that they should contact you at a later time.
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10. If she says she needs to go, end on a positive note: Tell her how much you loved talking with her and learning about her. Request for her phone number if you feel a genuine connection with her. Send her a text the next morning stating you had a fantastic time and wishing her a nice day. If she texts you back, you could get a second chance to continue the conversation. Wait at least a day before calling her, especially if you approached her as a stranger. You don’t want her to think you’re pushy, and you don’t want to look desperate, so you should wait a day.
Finally, keep it low-key until you’re certain she likes you. If you’re pressing extremely hard and she’s not, she can feel a little strange, so try to strike a healthy balance. Maintain the flow of the discourse at all times.
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11. Avoid personal questions: Unless they specifically bring it up, you should probably refrain from asking personal inquiries about someone’s family, finances, or health, regardless of how well you may know them.

In general, you should steer clear of these topics while speaking with someone you don’t know well because they can change the conversation’s tone and flow. By all means, feel free to listen and then engage without passing judgment if they choose to bring it up on their own.
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12. Avoid generic topics as a conversation starter: One of the easiest ways to get stuck in a discussion is to bring up the environment or how your day at work.

Although it is perfectly acceptable to talk about or debate these subjects, they should come up naturally rather than as a conversation starter. You’ll note that after a few exchanges of back-and-forth dialogue, the conversation starts to wind down.
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13. Try to be playful: Both sides frequently have a kind of mental shield to protect their self-image when communicating with one another, whether through texting or face-to-face conversation. By being entertaining and providing unexpected questions, try to ease the conversation.

You’ll notice that the conversation’s tone shifts to one that is more casual and comfortable, whether it be a joke or some playful taunting. You might come off as being more interesting.
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14. Use humor at the appropriate time: The proper timing is a key component of what makes anything amusing. When you spot a chance to make a joke or an amusing observation, seize it. You can break any awkwardness or staleness in the conversation if you can make her laugh. You might also come across as engaging and funny.
15. Be an active participant in the conversation: Jumping from one topic to another in a discussion is a common error people make when they’re anxious, especially on dates. You might begin talking about work-related topics and then abruptly switch to the weather, for instance. Participate in whatever is discussed and let each conversation flow to its natural conclusion before moving on to the next one rather than rushing through the possible topics.

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Following these steps above will make the entire process of conversing much more enjoyable. You’ll be able to relax and enjoy yourself instead of worrying about how to keep a conversation going with a female. You’ll be having meaningful and fruitful discussions with all the females you wish to talk to in no time.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.