How to Keep Your Husband Happy: 7 Effective Tips

How to keep your husband happy: Dealing with an unhappy husband can be absolutely miserable. After the initial wedding bliss wears off and everything goes back to normal, things can often get tough pretty quickly. Keep in mind that there are plenty of other ways you can make him happy as well; the main thing to understand is that you want to do things for him that he will appreciate and notice. If he notices that you are working hard to make him happy, he will reciprocate those efforts.

Things To Say to Your Husband to Make Him Feel Great
Things To Say to Your Husband to Make Him Feel Great

A woman’s top priority is to make her husband happy, in fact you’ll agree with me that when you get married as a woman, your utmost priority is to to give your husband peace of mind, do things that did make him happy, no good woman wants her husband sad that is why you do things that’ll make him happy, so you can be happy too and also get what you want from him as his wife. Here are some things you can do to keep your husband happy.

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How to Keep Your Husband Happy and In Love With You

1. Respect: Every man desires respect from his wife, I asked a couple of men what they value the most and all of them said respect as the first. So as a married woman that wants to make her husband happy, you need to learn to respect him.

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Romantic Ways To Make Your Husband Happy

Don’t disgrace him in front of his family, friends or colleagues, don’t shout at him or talk to him like you’re talking to a child, respect his opinions even if you feel he’s not making sense Don’t rob it on his face instead find a respectful way to advise him, make him your number one let him know that he’s not sharing that position with any other person. By doing this you’d feel is magic how your husband trusts you and values you.

2. Intimacy: Every man wants to have good sex with his wife, that’s why when they feel you’re running away from the sex or the sex isn’t pleasuring as it should be, they may tend to find it outside I’m not just saying have sex a couple of times a week. Be totally invested in the act as much as possible. Intimacy is a very important and essential act to men. Show him you love him by loving on him. Get into the act and set your insecurities aside.

How to keep your husband happy
How to keep your husband happy

This is the man you said your vows to and are going to spend the rest of your life with. Explore each other’s bodies and have fun. Try to initiate sex some of the time as that will spice things up and make your husband even more excited for some fun in bed. Of course, if you feel uncomfortable about something, let him know about it. Your husband wants you to be happy and comfortable as well.

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3. Let Things Go: Some women find it difficult to let things go, they’d always remind the man something he did in the past by doing this you’re chasing your husband away. If there is something that your husband did in the past that really upset you, yet you have said you have forgiven him for, just let it go.

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Easy Yet Effective Ways To Make Your Husband Happy

Whether it’s the anniversary he forgot, or heaven forbid the woman he slept with while you two were dating. If you have said you have forgiven him, stop bringing it up. It may be an easy way to push his buttons in an unrelated argument, but know it is detrimental to any relationship to hold on to things that are meant to stay in the past.This same approach should be applied to the other things he does that may bother you from time to time.

Don’t get hung up about things, and if he does something that you really dislike, just let him know. Holding on to little things and petty grudges is not a good idea for you or your husband. Many of the little annoyances you may have you will forget about in a few weeks anyway, so it is not worth it to get upset over them.

4. Take Care of Him: Yeah he’s a man but he can fall sick too and most times tend to behave like a baby, it’s not something to joke about or tease him about, get him drugs, cook for him, allow him watch his favorite TV series, pamper him, let him feel loved and cared for.

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Sometimes he may need space, give him that space. He goes for work and come back, welcome him with a hug and kiss and if he’s stressed out, you can give him a relaxing massage, in every man there’s a boy that wants to be babied and taken care of, so you do that as his wife.

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5. Trust Him: A man loves it when his wife trusts him,Unless your husband has given you real reason to not trust him, always give him the benefit of doubt. Most likely you have been cheated on or hurt in a past relationship, but don’t let that baggage follow you into your marriage.

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How can I make my husband happy everyday?

Don’t snoop in his phone, check his email, or spy on him when he’s out with his friends. Let him know that you trust him and he will do all that he can to ensure he does not break your trust. Trying to monitor all his movements will drain you and make you work yourself up which isn’t good for your marriage, so when he tells you this is A believe him except you found out otherwise.

6. Be Understanding: Let him have this believe that I’ll talk to my wife because he knows that when he talks to you, you’d understand. If something comes up with his work schedule and he has to stay for a late meeting, don’t freak. Yeah, sure, he missed dinner (again), but at least he is calling and letting you know.

Ways to Make Your Husband Happy
Ways to Make Your Husband Happy

From time to time, things will come up where you will be disappointed. Don’t overreact, take a deep breathe and understand. Try to not take things personally, as your husband is already stressed out enough from those types of situations.

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7. Be Flirty: As a wife I know you’re busy with the kids, cooking and all but spicing up things in your marriage will help in making your husband happy, don’t be a boring wife, you can randomly send your husband flirty messages, Let him know you’re thinking about him. Not every day, but maybe once a week or so send him a cute text letting him know what you want to do with him when he gets home.

Get flirty and cute with him, just like it was when the two of you first started dating. He will enjoy the gesture, particularly if it is during the middle of the workday when he is feeling down and bored. Adding that kind of excitement and spontaneity back into your lives is a great way to keep things interesting.

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No man wants to come back to an unhappy home, so as a wife it’s also your duty to make the house a home for your husband so he wouldn’t always run away. Offcourse, these things won’t always create a perfect marriage. Do the things you know that makes your husband happy and enjoy the ride that marriage!