Countries With The Highest Gold Reserves In The World 2024: Top 8

Countries With the Highest Gold Reserves: Nations and investors alike are interested in gold reserves, with the US owning the highest amount, followed by Germany, Italy, France, Russia, and China. Ongoing questions concerning the reliability of gold reserves have been raised. As an illustration, the gold reserves of Germany are openly disclosed, those of Italy are steady, 500 tonnes of gold were sold by France, Russia has been building up its reserves, China’s reserves data is sparse, and Switzerland is renowned for its financial know-how and impartiality.

Nations and investors alike have long been interested in the acquisition and preservation of gold reserves. Many nations have worked to increase their stockpiles of gold since it has long been considered a safe refuge during economic turbulence as a physical asset with inherent worth. We shall examine the countries with the highest gold reserves in this post.

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Top 10 Countries With the Highest Gold Reserves In The World 2024

1. United States of America: The United States of America has an astounding 8,133.53 tonnes of gold in its vaults, making it the country with the largest gold reserves worldwide. The legitimacy of the bullion housed in Fort Knox and New York, however, has drawn criticism and questions. Rules put in place in 1974 were meant to result in a single examination of all of America’s bullion, but it has been discovered that gold has been accessed and perhaps tampered with since that inspection.

There are also rumors that the US kept other countries’ national gold reserves in safety during times of civil or national unrest, adding to the overall amount of reserves held by the country.

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Furthermore, according to analysts, a large portion of the US gold reserves are of poor quality, and their combined holdings would decline dramatically if they were melted down and turned into 24-carat bars.

2. Germany: Germany is in second position with 3,359.14 tonnes of gold. The Deutsche Bundesbank’s offices in Frankfurt’s financial sector, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the Bank of England vaults in London are where the nation’s gold is kept.

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The majority of Germany’s gold was transferred to ally countries as a result of the Cold War. Over 40% of the nation’s gold reserves, which were held by the United States and France, were to be repatriated, according to a 2013 statement from the Bundesbank. Germany got all of its gold ahead of time in 2016, despite US objections. German holdings information is perhaps the most open in the world thanks to the Deutsche Bundesbank’s intentional strategy of fostering confidence among investors and the general public.

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3. China: China, one of the largest economies in the world, has lately started to reorient its efforts toward raising the proportion of its reserves that are stored in gold. Previously, the nation’s policy was to mine gold, sell it, and then reinvest the revenues in its economy.

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But as China’s economy has developed to compete with those of important Western nations, it has prioritized increasing its gold holdings. Despite this change in policy, there is still not much known about China’s gold holdings. Between 2000 and 2015, the People’s Bank of China only released information on four occasions; however, starting in November 2019, the nation has released monthly updates on its reserve increases. However, there is substantial controversy around the veracity of these accounts.

4. Russia: Russia has surpassed Turkey to become the world’s second-largest gold buyer during the previous seven years, with Turkey holding the top rank after purchasing 134 tons of gold for the second year in a row. As a result, China has been surpassed as one of the top nations with the highest gold reserves in 2018. For Russia, just 22% of its entire reserves are gold. Additionally, it purchased 227 tons of gold to replace the US dollar in its currency.

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As its relationship with the west deteriorates, Russia has made a serious effort over the past three years to diversify its currency from US dollars to gold and other foreign currencies. For this massive amount of gold, Russia sold the majority of its American Treasury securities.

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5. Italy: Italy’s foreign reserves are made up of 69.3% gold. Italy has consistently ranked among the top 10 countries with the highest gold reserves. It was influenced by Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank. According to the President, it provides them with protection against fluctuations in US currency.

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The Bank of Italy is responsible for managing the nation’s gold reserves, its currency, and a tiny portion of the ECB’s reserves, much like every other national central bank of the Eurosystem. The majority of the gold housed in the vaults is in the form of bars, although there are also some coins.

6. France: Gold continues to be a valuable safe haven for wealth, as evidenced by the fact that Italy’s gold holdings are among the most reliable in the world. Despite the nation’s persistent economic difficulties, its gold reserves, which now total about 2,452 tonnes, have not changed in almost 20 years. Over the previous few years, the central bank of France has barely sold any of its gold reserves. Italy’s reserves reflect its rich history and ongoing economic significance as a former center of European commerce.One of the four designated depositories of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is the vaults of the Banque de France in Paris.

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Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s far-right National Front, wants to ban gold sales but also wants to bring back the whole price from abroad. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) comes before it.

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7. Switzerland: Switzerland, which is recognized for its banking industry, tax-free status, and geopolitical neutrality, has significant gold holdings. This neutral nation during World War II became the hub of all European gold trading as it conducted business with both Allies and Axis nations.

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The Swiss National Bank in Bern is where the majority of the nation’s bullion is kept (70%), but for added security, it also stores the remaining 20% with the Bank of England and 10% with the Bank of Canada. Despite claims that it stole Nazi wealth at the conclusion of World War II, Switzerland nevertheless has a solid reputation for financial know-how and facilitating commerce. Switzerland has not yet increased its gold holdings as of 2022.

8. India: The Bank of India is known for having one of the greatest gold reserves in the world, which is not surprising. The 1.25 billion-person nation in South Asia, which is the second-largest consumer of the pricey metal, is one of the most consistent forces behind world demand.

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The October to December Indian wedding and festival season has historically been very beneficial to the Love Trade in gold. The Reserve Bank of India’s data showed that the gold reserves rose by $1.008 to $37.020 billion during the final week of December 2020. However, just 6.5% of India’s foreign exchange reserves are gold.

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Conclusion: Overall, gold continues to be a highly prized and sought-after item for nations all over the world, not just for economic stability but also for strategic and geopolitical reasons. Gold will continue to be a valuable commodity as long as countries maintain and manage their reserves in various ways and for various reasons, making it an attractive topic for research and analysis. It is important to remember that these nations’ reserve policies and gold reserve levels may fluctuate over time due to the dynamic nature of the world economy and international relations.