Differences Between Java and JavaScript: Many people wrongly assume that Java and java-script are two separate names for the same language. The user must be convinced that java-script and the java programming language are not synonymous, and that java-script has nothing to do with the java programming language. The fundamental impetus for calling the scripting language JavaScript was the popularity of the java programming language, which was at its peak at the time. JavaScript was created to capitalize on the popularity of the word “java” in the java programming language.

Despite the fact that they are both programming or scripting languages used by programmers for a range of purposes, the similarities end at the word “Java.” Both have their own esteem or uses; therefore, one cannot be compared to the other in terms of its usefulness or strength. Furthermore, each uses distinct plugins. So, in this essay, we’ve attempted to compare and contrast Java with JavaScript.
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What Is JavaScript?
This is the most used programming language currently. JavaScript, which is usually embedded in an HTML or ASP file and runs immediately from the web page. Web designers may add code to their sites using JavaScript, a client-side scripting language. It’s capable of injecting dynamic text into HTML. JavaScript is another name for the browser’s programming language.

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Features Of JavaScript Programming Language
a. Scripting Language That Is Light Weight: Because it is designed just for data handling in the browser, JavaScript is a lightweight programming language. It has a restricted number of libraries because it is not a general-purpose language.

b. Dynamic typing: JavaScript allows for dynamic typing, which implies that the type of a variable is determined by the stored value. If you declare a variable x, for example, you can store a text, a Number type value, an array, or an object.
c. Language with Prototypes: The scripting language JavaScript is built on prototypes. This means that instead of classes or inheritance, JavaScript uses prototypes. We build a class in languages like Java, and then we construct objects for those classes.

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d. Functional Style: This means that JavaScript takes a functional approach to programming; even objects are formed using constructor functions, with each constructor function representing a different object type. JavaScript functions can also be given to other functions and utilized as objects.
e. Independent of a Platform: This means that JavaScript is platform-agnostic, or portable, in the sense that you can create a script once and run it everywhere, at any time. In principle, JavaScript applications may be written and executed on any platform or browser without changing the Script’s output.
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What Is Java?
Java is an object-oriented programming language and software platform that operates on billions of devices, including laptop computers, mobile devices, game consoles, medical equipment, and more. Java is based on the C and C++ programming languages in terms of rules and grammar. Java is utilized as a computing platform.

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Features Of Java
a. Simple: Java is straightforward to learn, with a syntax that is basic, clear, and easy to comprehend. C++’s baffling and unclear ideas have either been removed or re-implemented in a clearer manner in Java. Pointers and Operator Overloading, for example, are not present in Java but are very crucial in C++.

b. Object-Oriented Design: Everything in Java is an object with some data and behavior. Because it is built on the Object Model, Java can be readily expanded. The following are some fundamental OOP concepts:
- Object
- Class
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
c. Platform-unaffected: Unlike other programming languages such as C, C++, and others, which are compiled into machine-specific platforms. Java is a language that is guaranteed to be write-once, run-anywhere. A Java program is compiled into bytecode during compilation.
This bytecode format is platform-agnostic, meaning it may be executed on any system, and it also provides security. Java programs may be executed on any system that has the Java Runtime Environment installed.
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d. Robust: Java tries to decrease error-prone code by focusing on compile-time error checking and runtime error checking. However, by integrating automated Garbage Collector and Exception Handling, Java significantly improved Memory Management and mishandled Exceptions.
e. Secure: Java is always the top option when it comes to security. We can construct a virus-free, tamper-free system using Java’s security capabilities. Java programs operate in the Java runtime environment with little contact with the operating system, making them more secure.
f. Threading in multiples: The multithreading capability of Java allows programmers to create programs that can do many tasks at once. Multithreading has the advantage of allowing numerous threads to run at the same time using the same memory and other resources. Grammar and spelling mistakes are checked as you type.
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Differences Between Java And JavaScript Programming
1. Concurrency: The capacity to manage the simultaneous execution of several instruction sequences is handled significantly differently in Java and JavaScript. Multiple threads are used in Java to do work simultaneously.
JavaScript manages concurrency on one main thread of execution using a queue system called the event loop and a forking mechanism called Node Clustering, especially as it exists as Node.js in server-side applications. Both approaches are adequate for most applications, although Java is typically quicker due to thread-to-thread memory sharing, which is substantially faster than inter-process communication (IPC).
2. Static vs Dynamic/Type-Checking: In Java, static type checking is used to verify the type of a variable during runtime. A type must be assigned to any variable created by a programmer (integer, double, string, etc.). JavaScript, like other scripting languages, makes use of dynamic typing to provide type safety during execution.
The type of each variable that a programmer creates does not need to be identified. Both systems have pros and downsides, but the primary benefit of static type checking is that it identifies type errors early in the development process, and code frequently executes faster or consumes less memory since the compiler knows precisely what data types are being used. The primary advantage of dynamic type checking is that it boosts programmer productivity by allowing you to assign types anytime you choose.
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3. Prototype-based/Class-based: Class-based inheritance is a top-down, hierarchical, class-based relationship in which properties are declared in a class and inherited by a class instance (one of its members).
In JavaScript, inheritance is prototypal, meaning that any object can inherit from any other object. In JavaScript, hierarchy is achieved by using the constructor function to assign an object as a prototype.
4. Interpretation/compilation: Java is a computer language that executes at runtime. JavaScript is an interpretive scripting language. The difference lies in the implementation: Java is written in a syntax that can be interpreted directly by a browser, but JavaScript is written in bytecode and runs on a virtual machine (although it is usually minified in practice). Thanks to JIT compilation, JavaScript can now be compiled into efficient bytecode.
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5. Speed: When executed on a virtual machine, Java is naturally quicker than JavaScript because it is a compiled language. Even when JavaScript’s JIT compilation bridged the gap, there’s still the issue of Java’s built-in multithreading and concurrency support. It’s important not to overlook the capacity to run processes in parallel across several threads. You may use all of the CPU cores on the host system to their full capability. JIT compilation gives JavaScript the advantages of both interpreted (fast start-up) and compiled (improved performance over time) languages.
Initially, JavaScript applications are interpreted, but the code is monitored and stored for future JIT compilation. Node.js takes a different approach to concurrency than Java, opting for a single main thread of operation with supporting background threads for I/O processing.
Should I Use Javascript Or Java?
As with any language, the decision comes down to what you’re attempting to do and the resources you have available.
JavaScript is still mostly a web technology, but Java is a general-purpose programming language that can be used to create virtually anything.
You should consider Java if your project involves any of the following:
a. Android Apps
b. Software for Businesses
c. Computing in Science
d. Analytics of Big Data
e. Hardware Programming for All Purposes
f. Apache, JBoss, Geronimo, and other server-side technologies
If your project has the following elements, JavaScript should be considered.
a. Single-page dynamic apps (SPAs)
b. jQuery, AngularJS, Backbone.js, Ember.js, ReactJS, and other front-end technologies
c. Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js, and other server-side technologies
d. PhoneGap, React Native, and other frameworks are used to create mobile apps.
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Java and JavaScript were created for completely different reasons. Java was created as a general-purpose programming language for creating stand-alone applications, but JavaScript was created to interact with web technologies, notably HTML.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.