How to build connection with your partner: A couple are two individuals who share common emotional intimacy and in most cases, live together. Couples are meant to live in an atmosphere of delight and bliss which is often engendered by the bond or strong passionate affection they share. In some cases, especially when the couples have been together for a very long time. In some situations, the couple grow emotionally apart from each other and though they live or stay together, they may not be fine of each other or want to share intimate moments with each other.
This is something that draws the couple, in severe cases, to a point of dissolving the relationship. In this article, we will be looking at some of the ways to revamp the connection between couples.
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How To Build Connection With Your Partner
1. Make Time For Each Other: Being in a relationship can be very serious. As couples and as adults, it is very easy to write-off lots of things in the guise of being responsible or committed to more important things. It is quite pertinent to understand that every single relationship need to stay alive and the source of its life comes from the things the parties do directly or indirectly that has subtle or collosal effect on the relationship.

As adults, a lot of things tend to take your attention like your job, leadership positions,politics , economics and many others but, the commitment to these things without making out quality time for your spouse may cost you your relationship. So, it is important to make out quality time for your spouse, a time to listen to him or her. It is also a time to show how much of important they are to you. This way, you create a lasting bond that connects you both or draw you closer than before.
2. Do Things Together: Having talked about the need to make out quality time for your partner, it becomes even more necessary to learn how to do things together. As couples, either new or existing couple, you need to learn to share quality time together doing somethings that would help you connect to each other.

At you private time, make and share common jokes, play games and sometimes, take a walk together. There are other things that you could also engage in to help you both connect more, one of them is to learn how to eat, bath and sleep together. It has proven to be very effective.
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3. Touch Throughout The Day: Why you guys are a couple is because certain leverages can now be exploited as certain boundaries has been skipped. Their are lots of compromise involved. As a couple, there are little things that might be overlooked due to over familiarity but has shown to be very effective. It helps the coupls get fond of each other the more.

One of the very effective way to achieve this connection between the partners is by engaging in physical acts like touching each other throughout the day. It may sound trivial but the fact remains that it is effective. Hold hands, grab one another and hug each other once in a while for the rest of the day and every other day and it is most likely that your connections would be ignited.
4. Get Romantic: Love in most cases is accompanied with romance and that involves being intimate with each other, having lone moment with each other and sharing some very erotic moments of love making together.

This engenders a strong bond of connection between the parties or couple. The bond established and shared through this medium can be very strong. It is equally being romantic to go on dinner dates, go on vacation or to a recreational center together so as to have time to be entertained and happy together.
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5. Share In Your Partner’s Interests: The fact that you are a couple doesn’t erode the fact that you guys are still a united seperates individuals with a mind of your own, goals , dreams and aspirations of your own. So, it would be a big problem to not bother or concern yourself with whatever it is that your partner is interested in as a person.

Try to talk about it and be supportive of his or her personal goals and aspirations, show them how much you’re ready to support and help them achieve their goals and it will effectively engender a strong sense of love, trust and connection between both of you.
6. Listen Up and Share Jokes: One of the incidentals of sharing intimacy in a relationship is being happy. As a couple, it mustn’t be about responsibilites and formalities all the time.

It mustn’t be corporate affairs and duty calls instead, try to be be more free with each other, make jokes and share in the laughter, try to get closer to each other and learn the things you like and what your partner likes as well. Make jokes about simple things and laugh about them, they are just subtle ways to keep the relationship active and enjoyable.
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7. Make Romantic Eye Contact: Because Communication is not only about talking or writing, one can equally engage in other mediums of Communication which in most cases has proven to be effective ways of strengthening the relationship.

One of such means is by making romantic eye contact often and having to back it up with a nice smile. It can be very interesting and helpful in creating and strengthening existing connections between couples.
8. Reach Out During The Work Day: While it is important to go to your place of business and focus on your job, it is also important and romantic to make your spouse feel special by taking out a little time from your work schedule to call and ask about their day and their well-being.

This has in most cases shown to be one of the greatest ways to show respect and prove that you truly care about your spouse and that they mean a lot to you. So, when next you go to work, try to take out a minute or two to say “hello” to your spouse at home or in the office. You could decide to go out for lunch or dinner together after work or just grab coffee. It is really effective in creating and even solidifying existing connections between couples.
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9. Show Appreciation: One of the very big mistake most people, especially couple, make is the fact that they get too find of each other and the things they do for themselves that they forget to show appreciation for what they get. It shouldn’t be so.

Aside from the fact that everyone loves compliment, it even goes a long way in showing that you take note of the things your spouse does to and for you. Showing appreciation will help engender a sense of encouragement and joy which will inturn cultivate a strong and better connection between the couples.
10. Change Routine: One of the very most effective ways to spice up your relationship and revamp the connection between the couple is to change your regular routine otherwise considered as a daily ritual.

Most people are used to doing a particular thing and set it on repeat throughout the year but it doesn’t take long before it becomes boring and predictable. To ensure that you inspire a strong sense of connection between your spouse for a more vibrant relationship, you need to change and spice up your regular routine and incorporate new routine that are new, lively and flexible.
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In conclusion, every relationship can be enjoyed and the things that spice up relationship are not overburdening but the things we do intentionally with focus and purpose. Not minding how far gone the relationship has been or estranged, it can be revamped with the right strategy that help rekindle the connection between the couple.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.