How To Know If Someone Is Lying: Humans are prone to lying and dishonesty. There has been a little empirical study on how frequently individuals lie until lately. Most people will, at some point, tell a falsehood. Some of these lies are white lies meant to protect the sentiments of. In certain circumstances, the falsehoods are even more serious (for example, lying on a resume) or even malevolent (covering up a crime).
Liars, according to body language specialists and law enforcement veterans, leave a lot of unintentional signals and signs when they’re lying. Consider your baseline, or how you’d ordinarily respond in a tense scenario when chatting with someone you know well.
Behavioral distinctions between honest and dishonest people are clearly difficult to distinguish and quantify. Researchers have tried to figure out how to detect lying in a variety of ways. While there is no one-size-fits-all signal of dishonesty, academics have discovered a few useful signs.
Detecting a lie, like many things, boils down to one thing: following your intuition. You may be able to improve your ability to identify lies by understanding what indications to look for and how to listen to your own gut instincts. Let’s have a look at how to tell whether someone is lying.
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12 Signs On How To Tell If Someone Is Lying
1. Hand gestures: Because their brain is performing a lot of things at once, persons who tell lies tend to move both hands practically all of the time. They’re pondering what to say next, determining if you believe them or not, and embellishing the tale to make it more credible.

Apart from using hand movements, those who are lying can also hide their palms behind their backs, inside their pockets, or beneath the table.
2. Voice tone: People who lie to you will have vocal modifications that differ from their natural voice. They may produce high-pitched sounds or hold their breath when speaking. They may also have a variety of tones that are discordant with their personality or demeanor.

You might be surprised to find that someone’s voice pitches and fluctuates when speaking to you. People who are lying usually have a high-pitched voice. This is due to their anxiety, which causes the muscles in their vocal cords to stiffen.
When they are lying, their voice may even crack. It’s critical that you pay attention to how their voice evolves throughout time.
There’s a good likelihood they’re lying if their voice is raised over their typical level. It is normal for someone who is lying to change the tone or pitch of his voice. This might be due to worry, anxiety, a distracting technique, or an attempt to accentuate something in order to make you believe it.
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3. Eyes that dart around: Darting eyes are a telltale indicator of dissatisfaction. If someone has just lied to you, they are definitely feeling uneasy, especially if you are interrogating them. If a person’s eyes begin to move swiftly to the left and right, it’s likely that they aren’t speaking the truth.

4. Turning Pale or Flushing: Lying might be indicated by flushed or pale cheeks. A liar may blush as a result of a rush of adrenaline after uttering a falsehood. Telling a falsehood, on the other hand, might cause blood to flow out of a person’s face, making them appear pale.

Without our knowledge or awareness, lying causes a variety of changes to the body. That implies that if you’re lying to someone, your body might reveal your true identity.
You can swear on both sides that you’re speaking the truth, but people will be able to tell just by looking at you.
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5. Rolling their lips: When telling a falsehood, liars may purse their lips. Either they’re trying to hide their feelings or they’re hiding facts. This is especially true when delicate questions are asked. It might also indicate that they don’t want to talk about it. Lips don’t lie, according to a common phrase. Our lips are crucial when it comes to discerning the truth.

This is due to the fact that the lips contain numerous nerves and are extremely vascular, causing them to react immediately.
As a result, a liar may pacify himself by biting his lips. It’s a means of releasing stress caused by concealing the truth.
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6. Fidgeting or being completely still: Liars either fidget excessively or sit firmly. Examine their body language for signs of fidgeting, such as shuffling feet, head movement from side to side, or shifting back and forth.

A liar, on the other hand, may appear as motionless as a stone and not move at all. The body goes into “fight or flight” mode in any nerve-wracking scenario, such as uttering a falsehood. Staying immobile is a red flag since it resembles a “fight” reaction.
If you can, remember the person’s normal conduct. If a person fidgets a lot when they’re standing still, it’s not necessarily a clue that they’re lying.
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7. Micro-expressions that are fleeting: Liars are prone to displaying emotion in one form or another. Their expressions will often vary for a fraction of a second, which is referred to as micro-expressions.
During a discussion, keep an eye out for little changes in a person’s face. Even if they don’t plan to, a liar may display their true colors for a little period.
8. Backpedaling: A liar will have trouble keeping track of their stories. You’ll notice that they tell you one thing and then say something completely different as if they never stated the first assertion at all. It’s perplexing and infuriating. Don’t be discouraged. People do things for a variety of reasons that we’ll never fully comprehend.
Keep an eye out for these telltale indications to see whether you’ve been duped and determine what to do with the information. It may need difficult judgments, but no one deserves to be deceived.
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9. Content of the Speech: If someone overuses the terms ‘I want to be honest with you,’ ‘honestly,’ or ‘let me tell you the truth,’ he may be trying too hard to persuade you to believe his lies. He might possibly be persuading himself that the falsehood he’s telling is true.
‘Uh,’ ‘like,’ and ‘um,’ or filler words,’ are some additional word signs they utilize while lying. These phrases typically reveal something about the person with whom you are conversing.
So, if you hear him utter those phrases frequently, reconsider whether or not you should believe or trust him.
10. There are much too many details: A liar’s worry and uneasiness may cause him to provide far more information than is required. To be more convincing, he may even provide facts that a person who is speaking the truth would not.
When someone goes on and on and offers you too much information that you didn’t ask for, especially too many specifics, there’s a good chance he or she isn’t giving you the truth. Liars typically talk a lot in the hopes that people would trust them because of their conversation and apparent openness.
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11. Their replies to inquiries may be shorter: When you ask a liar a question, they will often give you a shorter, more bare-bones response than someone who is speaking the truth. Participants in a small 2012 research were taught to spot lying using the assessment criteria indicative of deception (ACID) approach, which implies that true replies are longer and more colorful than lies.

Although it is not a simple cut since various individuals have varied dispositions to speech and information distribution, it is best to understand the person to determine if he or she is naturally chatty or taciturn.
12. They begin slowly, then accelerate: When a liar responds to a question, they often begin with a lengthier pause and convey their narrative slowly. Slower speech might offer them more time to create a story or develop details as they go.

They may also take this additional time to observe your response while they talk in order to change what they’re saying dependent on how you react. When the liar gets a firm grasp on their lie, they will often increase their rate of speech. This might be because they believe that speaking too slowly would seem suspicious, so they talk as quickly as they can. This change from sluggish to quick might occur in as little as one phrase. People who are telling the truth are less likely to exhibit such drastic fluctuations in speaking pace.
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The truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all indicator that someone is lying. All of the indications, behaviors, and indicators associated with lying by researchers are merely hints as to whether or not someone is being truthful.
Stop searching for the clichéd “lying indicators” the next time you’re trying to figure out if someone is telling the truth and instead learn how to recognize more subtle actions that might indicate dishonesty. Take a more active approach as necessary by applying pressure and making speaking the lie more cognitively hard. Last but not least, and probably most significantly, follow your gut. You may have a strong instinctive understanding of what constitutes honesty and what constitutes dishonesty. Learn to trust your gut instincts.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.