How To Know Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You (for Girls): 12 Signs

How To Know Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You (for Girls): More recently, Breakfast has become a National trend and this slang ‘Breakfast‘ refers to the serving of heartbreak and the breakup between people in a relationship and notably one viable cause of Breakfast is Cheating. These days it is usually hard for a man to stick to one woman and vice versa especially if they are just in a relationship and not yet married.

This common habit of cheating amongst men has ruined a good number of relationship especially when their Girlfriend finds out, but there are some guys who cheat so smartly that you will never find. The only way you could find out is by observing some signs that man will be giving off, but what are these signs?

Ways to Find out if Your Boyfriend Is Cheating on You
Ways to Find out if Your Boyfriend Is Cheating on You

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Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Cheating

1. He is acting Weird: One sign that a guy is cheating on you is that he starts acting Weird, meaning that he will begin to exhibit some strange behaviour which on a normal he doesn’t display. It is easily observable as you will notice when your Man is giving a different energy than he normally gives.

How To Know Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You
How To Know Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You

Moreso, when he begins to give silly excuses for this his new behaviour or often creates an unpleasant atmosphere when you approach him or starts acting Weird on his phone. For instance, repeatedly going out of your room to answer calls, can’t pick some calls in your presence, or often hides his chats; then it is safe to say that your man is cheating on you.

2. Body Language: In addition to a newly adopted weird set of behaviour, a Man who is cheating on you begins to exhibit some weird body language. For instance, he doesn’t give up the vibes he normally gives off with you, he doesn’t make eye contact with you any longer, he doesn’t show his affection for you or doesn’t seem addicted to you any longer.

 Signs Your Boyfriend Cheating On You
Signs Your Boyfriend Cheating On You

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3. Often gets Irritated: When a Man is blatantly cheating on you, he develops some sort of irritation to your normal actions such as clinging all over him, accessing his phone, questioning him about things you see on his phone, questioning him about how his day went.

How to tell if your boyfriend is cheating
How to tell if your boyfriend is cheating

When you are continually doing this as you often do, you will notice he gets a bit irritated and annoyed with some of your questions and no longer has much details to provide to your questions unlike before.

4. Less Attention: When a man is cheating, his attention becomes divided and naturally he will begin to give you less attention than he normally does. You will begin to notice that he doesn’t compliment you like before, he doesn’t easily observe some changes in your body, he now seems more engrossed in the phone than having a conversation with you, he is always distracted when speaking to you and does not often seem to be present in your conversations.

Ways to Tell if Your Boyfriend is Cheating
Ways to Tell if Your Boyfriend is Cheating

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5. Seems Uninterested: While your Man begins to give you less attention, he also starts acting uninterested especially in bed because he is getting better sex and more redefined attention elsewhere.

Is My Boyfriend Cheating
Is My Boyfriend Cheating

6. Becomes Secretive: When your man all of a sudden in addition to one or more of these aforementioned signs; becomes Secretive about his daily activities, personal life, finance, phone password, wants more personal space, and you no longer talk deep as before, then he is definitely cheating on you.

7. Lying: When your man begins to constantly lie to you about questions you ask him and gives silly excuses to defend himself when you confront him, then is cheating on you as a man who values you will never tell you the truth when he is cheating on you and when you find out yourself, he may want to give some silly excuses to navigate his way over the situation as he doesn’t want to lose you.

Signs he's cheating and feeling guilty
Signs he’s cheating and feeling guilty

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8. No PDA: PDA literally means Public Display of Affection. When your man who normally exhibits PDA for you ceases to do so, stops posting your pictures on social media, only posts pictures he takes alone or with his friends, becomes uncomfortable with you tagging him to some of the pictures you post, and can no longer comfortably tell you ‘I Love you’ or display similar acts of deep affection, then he is cheating on you as divided affection is the major cause of this.

9. Causes Argument: When your man continually displays any of the aforementioned signs and he now begins to criticize you and causes unnecessary arguments out of nothing, then he is slightly out of love with you and your actions as his heart is somewhere else and he can no longer condone some of your shit which he normally chests.

10. Acts busy: When your man is cheating, his attention, affection and time on you is divided, so inevitably he will begin to act busy for you as though he doesn’t have enough time for you any longer.

How To Know Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You
How To Know Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You

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11. Emotional Distance: When your man is cheating he shares some degree of affection with the person he is cheating with and this means that the emotional attachment you both share will no longer be there and it will seem as though there is some sort of distance between both of you as he always acts busy, he acts weird, you both now always argue, he doesn’t open up to you due to his newly found secretive nature, he displays a negative body language, he seems uninterested in sleeping with you, he is constantly lying to you, and invariably in the presence of these you both are no longer feeling yourselves like that.

12. Acts Possessive: When your man is cheating on you, he begins to act possessive with his property and personal items. Normally your man who allows you to use his personal properties such as Clothes, Car, other items and have access to his phone begins to withdraw your access to this as there is a new girl out there and he will not want you to find out neither will he want the girl to see her flexing your personal properties and begin to feel jealous.

These twelve aforementioned signs are tested and proven signs that your man is cheating on you. It is instructive to note that you should not just jump into that conclusion when you notice one or two of these signs as situations may vary, but you should carefully Observe your man; when he ticks all box and your intuition agrees too as well your Friends begin to notice his new Behaviour, you can now conclude that he is cheating, but it is not enough to end there.

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You may proceed to act wisely and stylishly get evidence that he is cheating on you and details of the person he is cheating on you with so that one day when you confront him about his newly adopted Behaviour and how is cheating on you and he begins to lie as always and tries to deny the latter you could come up with some undeniable evidence and if he really likes you, he will be devastated that you have found out, he will feel so bad about his actions, feel sorry and ask for your forgiveness, but if he no longer likes you he will not  feel apologetic and that may be the end of your relationship.