Meaning of Admission in process, Not admitted and admission pending in JAMB CAPS: Now that schools in Nigeria have started to release their admission lists, some of the constant questions many students ask are: What does “Admission in progress” in JAMB CAPS mean?”, How can i accept my admission in JAMB CAPS? What does “admission pending” in JAMB CAPS mean?, what does “not admitted” in JAMB CAPS mean?

First, it is very important to know these things so you will not make mistakes that will likely jeopardize your chances of gaining admission this year.
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Again, if you have not checked your JAMB CAPS yet and your school have released admission list, kindly sit down and read this topic very carefully. Nonetheless, if you have checked it, please don’t do anything yet. Make sure you read this topic painstakingly before you click any button. I am going to explicitly explain all the questions i mentioned below. Coupled with that, i will answer other related questions students ask about JAMB CAPS admission.
As a matter of fact, this topic is for every 2024/2025 JAMB candidate. If you wish to gain admission into any Nigerian institution, please read this article very carefully because it will be of benefit importance to you. So, before i enter fully into the topic of today, i would like to tell you little about JAMB CAPS and how it offers admission.

What is JAMB CAPS?
JAMB CAPS which means, JAMB Central Admission Processing System (CAPS). It is a platform created by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) to ensure transparency and equality in the way admission is offered in every Nigerian institutions. According to the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) system, institutions in Nigeria can only admit those aspirants who meet their cut off points through JAMB CAPS. If a candidate fails to meet the cut off mark made by JAMB, that candidate would certainly be denied admission irrespective of the candidate’s connection.
It should however be noted that the cutoff marks referred to in this section is the general cutoff mark released by JAMB for every institution in Nigeria. Now, lets see how you can access your admission via JAMB CAPS.
How to Check JAMB CAPS Admission Status?

Below are the steps to check your admission status via JAMB CAPS:
- Login to Jamb Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) using any of the links below: or
- Enter your Jamb Profile email and password in the space provided
- Scroll down the menu and click on Check Admission Status.
- Click on Access my CAPS
- Now your profile will be displayed on your screen
- On your Jamb Admission Status you will see the option to accept or reject your admission
- Click on accept admission If you were given admission but leave it if your admission is pending.
What does “Admission Pending” mean?
If after checking your JAMB CAPS admission status; and it shows “Admission pending”, it means that you have not been offered admission in any Nigerian university yet. In this case, it is advisable to check your JAMB admission status later. You can do that when the admission list (merit/supplementary) of the Institution has been released.

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What does “admission in progress” mean?
Just like when JAMB CAPS system shows that your Admission is pending, “Admission in progress” means that the institution is yet to submit her admission lists to JAMB for uploading into the CAPS system. If this is the case, you are expected to also wait and check the JAMB CAPS admission status later.
Don’t let anybody deceive you. If your JAMB admission status is showing “admission in progress”, it doesn’t mean that you will not been offered admission. It simply means that your admission is still on its way.
What does “Not admitted” in JAMB CAPS means?
If JAMB CAPS show you “Not admitted“, it means that you were not admitted into your desired school. In other words, you were not offered admission in that academic session. In my view, there is nothing you can do in this case than to apply for admission the next year.
School has given me admission but JAMB CAPS is still saying “Admission pending” what should i do?
The answer to this question is simple. If you were admitted into your desired institution (That is, through admission list) but it did not reflect in JAMB CAPS, then you have to keep calm and wait until the admission list is finally uploaded into JAMB CAPS. The fact is that, JAMB has not yet gotten the list of students admitted into your desired Institution and that is why it is not showing in your JAMB CAPS admission status yet.
After waiting for a month or more, go back and check you JAMB CAPS using the step by step procedure i highlighted for you above. It must have been uploaded by that time.
You don’t need to panic at all because this same thing happened to me in 2017. After a while, i went back to JAMB CAPS and i accepted my admission without any problem. So you see, you are not alone.

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How JAMB CAPS Offer Admission
I think it is important to know how JAMB CAPS offer admission to aspirants as it will help you to understand some of the things i have explained previously in this post. So briefly, this is how JAMB CAPS works:
First, it is pertinent to know that JAMB works with every institution in Nigeria when offering admission to students. Before you can gain admission into any university, polytechnic or college of education in Nigeria, you must accept your admission through JAMB CAPS. And like i said, this CAPS admission system was introduced by JAMB to regulate the way institutions in Nigeria offer admission. To be precise, JAMB is trying to reduce the rate at which students pay their ways into Nigerian institutions.
For you to be admitted through JAMB CAPS, you must have been admitted into your desired school first. It is the Institution that will transfer the names of admitted students to JAMB for uploading. This usually take some time. After about 2 – 3 weeks, the names will be uploaded by JAMB and prospective students will be able to accept their admission via CAPS.
Okay! Hope you got everything you are searching for in this short tutorial. I enjoin you to asks questions where you don’t understand. Again, if there is any important information you think should be added to this post, please let me know using the comment section. Remember not to accept or reject your admission without proper consideration.
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In my opinion, it is not good to reject an admission that was given to you by a particular institution with the hope that another institution will offer you admission. This happens barely. I believe you now know the meaning of Admission in process, Not admitted and admission pending in JAMB CAPS.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.
Do I have 100% hope that I will be admitted if my jamb caps shows “admission in progress”?
Thanks for this platform that gives such a great idea and information about jamb caps.
My jamb caps shows that I have been given admission. I even click on the access caps, but nothing is showing
The school I apply for, have not release their admission list but my jamb caps is already saying NOT ADMITTED
Notify me of unilag 2020/2021 admission list
Can i be sure that I will be admitted if jamb portal is telling me admission is being proccessed
Thanks. this was very helpful.
My admission status changes from admission in progress to not admitted, pls what is the problem
My admission status changed from AIP to not admitted though the school I applied are yet to release admission list ..😔
My admission status changed from AIP to not admitted though the school I applied for are yet to release admission list 😔
My admission status is submitted, do I have any chance
My school gave me admission, but jamb is yet to give me admission since 2019, and I’m in 300lvl now still hoping wah should I do?😢😢
Please the admission list of my school is out for a week now and my admission status is writing admission in process , pls any hope 4 me
There’s no problem.. just do jamb admission regularization
I have been admitted by the school I applied for but jamb caps still says not yet admitted and I only have a week and some few days to appear for screening, any help on this? Please!!
Please how many subject should in admission status?
Pls how can you check whether unizik has given you admission
What if you got 219 in jamb can you get law
please my jamb caps changed from admission in progress to not admitted, what should I do?
This is truely helpful
Mu schools first batch it out already, and MTN portal is still showing admission pending, do I still have hope of getting admission. Though they’re other batches to be released. @AAU Ekpoma
Hi why does my jamb caps say “you’re not eligible to use this service”
Please my school as given me admission but jamb as not given me admission close to a month now and I don’t know what is wrong
Pls why is my transfer approval link on the dashboard showing pending candidate’s action and admission status showing not admitted of which I’ve accepted the approval and did a change of course to the new course
What if I have different names on JAMB and Olevel? Will that affect my JAMB caps admission? My institution of choice has given me admission, but JAMB is yet to do that and I’m worried it’s because of the name difference in JAMB and OLevel result, please someone with an answer or solution, reply to this. I have already done then needful and sworn an affidavit of name mistake, can I take that to JAMB office?
You are to accept another offer of course after accepting transfer from one course to another