Signs Of Obsession: Love is a strong emotion. When you initially fall in love, you experience euphoria and believe that nothing can ever break you. Before becoming fixated on someone, having a crush is all roses and lovely fantasies. Between attraction and obsession is a very thin line. Obsession, though, is another matter. It is an excessive infatuation with another person that can cause extreme, harmful, and dangerous behaviors.
An obsession is more than merely enjoying something. You can become fixated on a variety of things, including video games, fashion, the news, movies, and more. Obsession with someone refers to an unhealthy infatuation with another person that interferes with your general well-being. It is also referred to as obsessive love disorder.
Due to the sensation of intense intensity and emotional commitment to the object of attention being a significant component of both, the line between love and obsession is frequently blurred. Regardless of the kind of connection in question, whether it be platonic or romantic, obsession can tend to be an unhealthy and dangerous manifestation of love when taken to extremes. It starts to become unhealthy when your obsession causes you to focus all of your attention on the other person.
They will become your entire world, preventing you from engaging in routine things because you will constantly be thinking about them. On account of this, we’ve put together a list of telltale symptoms that can help you determine whether you or someone else is obsessed with you. Otherwise said, these are some symptoms of obsession.
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Signs Of Obsession
1. Stalking: Behaviors like surreptitiously following someone else might be viewed as menacing and dangerous when obsession is at its most extreme. Such conduct violates boundaries and is obtrusive.

All partnerships must have mutual trust for them to work. Nonetheless, some people have a bad propensity for keeping track of their partner’s location. Your partner may engage in subtle stalker behavior, such as using GPS to track your whereabouts for safety, or overt, such as showing up unannounced at a friend’s party only to be with you. Never take your lover’s obsessive behavior for concern or affection.
You should be informed that it is neither acceptable nor suitable to find monitoring devices on you, your belongings, or transit vehicles. If you or a loved one are worried that this might be occurring to you or someone you care about, please be careful to alert the closest aid you can find. You are entitled to privacy and choice!
2. Boundaries are ignored: Even though love inevitably unites two lives, hearts, and beings into one, the healthiest manifestations of love always permit boundaries to be observed between the two. If you decide to speak up about needing space for your well-being, pay attention to the response you get after doing so. Is it reassuring and understanding, or is it hostile and defending?

Love entails having the patience and willingness to give loved ones what they think they need, especially if they sincerely believe that need will improve their health and well-being. This is true even if it contradicts your own beliefs, desires, or goals for the relationship. Obsession is deciding to put your demands and boundaries ahead of another person’s.
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3. Dislike for Friends of the opposite gender: One of the main signs of being so fixated on someone that you wish you could control everything they do is something like this. Any person of the opposing sex may be seen as a threat by an obsessive lover. It quickly becomes draining. They may have an obsession that makes them want to regulate the people their spouse associates with and the amount of time they spend with friends of the opposite gender.

It is rather alarming when someone bans his partner from meeting persons of the opposite gender out of fear, even when healthy jealousy is expected.
4. Extremely Controlling: When a person is insecure about themselves, their controlling behavior arises as a result. They try to exert control over others to regain control over their environments. This is brought on by the idea that if they had control over their surroundings, they might influence the outcomes to their liking—ideally, one that reinforces their delusion of security.

Controlling behavior includes dictating what you’re permitted to wear, selecting the friends you’re allowed to hang out with, and even keeping track of your daily movements. A “friend” who prevents you from making new friends or gets irritated when you spend time with other existing friends may also be acting in a controlling manner in obsessive friendships.
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5. Constant reassurance: An obsessive partner is prone to displaying some clinging behaviors. The fear of losing out or a sense of insecurity with people who are close to the partner are the causes of this conduct. They require frequent affirmation, such as “I love you”s and compliments, as well as depictions of ideal relationships. Such people can pose as powerless and defenseless to manipulate their partners and finish the trick.

When someone is obsessed with you, they would need to hear “I love you” more frequently than you would have imagined, and all of their conversations would center on how crucial they are to your life and for you.
6. Causing you to cut off ties with loved ones: When you need some time away from difficult family members or awkward friends, a supportive partner could be a breath of fresh air. But, an obsessed lover or friend could prey on your reliance on their assistance and make an effort to persuade you that they are the only ones you require and that nobody else should count.

Although it may appear to be innocuous at first glance, actions like these often have manipulative undertones and self-serving intentions. Obsessed lovers/friends eventually try to make you believe that they are the only thing you want to keep you under their control and avoid any intervention from your friends or family who could worry about your welfare as a result of your relationship with that person.
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7. Constant Contact: We all crave attention from time to time, but it doesn’t give your spouse the right to constantly send you meaningless messages or contact you all day long just to stay in touch. They wouldn’t let you be alone for a moment and would want to chat or converse with you all the time. A subtle indicator of obsessive behavior is the need to be in touch constantly with a lover.

8. Jealousy: As soon as you become obsessed with someone, jealousy quickly follows. Obsessive jealousy is the worry that your partner might be cheating, as opposed to delusional jealousy, which is the mistaken conviction that your partner is.

When you are jealous, you frequently monitor your partner’s location. This feeds a person’s unhealthy addiction even more.
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Relationships flourish when both sides are encouraged to prioritize their relationships with themselves. To contribute to an external relationship from a rooted and centered place, two healthy people must be in a relationship.
These people must both acknowledge and accept their responsibilities. Obsession can be a beneficial aspect of a successful relationship, but it is important, to be honest with yourself and examine whether your obsession is making you feel uncomfortable. Love that is not based on respect for the needs and development of another person is fundamentally selfish and insulting. One method to ensure a healthy relationship in your relationship is to learn to love yourself and give others the room to grow into self-love.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.