Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being A Doctor: Being a doctor, like any other health profession, is a long and arduous process. If you’re looking for a job with a lot of job security, becoming a doctor is something you should consider. Physicians are required to cure illnesses, infections, and accidents even in the most challenging economic conditions. This is an employer that has existed in every known human culture. The techniques used by doctors today may differ greatly from those used by our forebears, yet the end result remains the same.

Doctors provide a number of services to their patients and communities. Some people want to become family practitioners so that they may be the first line of defense for adults and children who need help with day-to-day issues. Others choose to work in emergency rooms, medical specialties, or research in order to maximize the beneficial influence that their profession may have on a daily basis. The benefits and drawbacks of becoming a doctor demonstrate that while it is a difficult career, it can also be quite rewarding. These are the main topics to consider if you’re considering a profession in medicine right now.
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Benefits of being a doctor (positive aspects of being a doctor)
It is a fantastic career to be in perfect circumstances. Children aspire to be physicians for a variety of reasons, including idolizing someone, being inspired by a doctor, or being directed by their parents. Some of the advantages of this profession include but are not limited to the following:
1. Noble career: The satisfaction gained from treating a human being is one of the key reasons for selecting this job. Relieving a patient’s pain or bringing a patient back from the verge of death provides enormous gratification that no other profession can equal.

2. There is a great deal of employment security: Artificial intelligence and automation are beginning to eliminate employment in a variety of industries, but this issue has yet to affect doctors. This position is virtually always relevant, especially in developed nations where there is a scarcity of people interested in working in this field.
Because there aren’t enough competent individuals in the United States to match the present demand, medical institutions in the United States are giving around 25% of their available employment positions to international applicants.

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3. As a doctor, you can almost live anywhere: There aren’t many jobs that can provide you with this benefit, especially if you’re searching for a high-paying one. You can work practically anywhere and yet satisfy your needs.
You may even make more than someone who sees patients in the city if you reside in a rural region. If you practice in a particular sub-specialty, there are a few exceptions to this rule, but that is the only issue here. You have the ability to choose where you want to live and whatever specialty you want to pursue in this field.
4. You have an opportunity to heal: After everything is said and done, medicine is the one profession that relieves pain, heals, and cures humanity. The credit for a longer lifespan and a higher quality of life belongs completely to medical advancements and research conducted by doctors and scientists. Epidemics and illnesses would have wiped off the human species long ago if it hadn’t been for doctors.

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5. You have the power to change someone’s life for the better: Most doctors claim that one of the main reasons they chose medicine was to make a difference in other people’s lives. It’s humiliating to be put in a situation where you’re responsible for caring for the ill and injured since you’re assisting individuals on their worst days.
Having the opportunity to brighten someone’s day can make your job more enjoyable. Your area of expertise will determine the specific influence you may have on a person’s life in the profession of becoming a doctor. When you decide to become a doctor, you will be able to do everything from issue a pain-relieving prescription to execute a basically performed organ transplant.
6. This job necessitates a lesser level of physical effort: In the realm of medicine, there are various specializations where doctors are not obliged to undertake any physical work. There are notable exceptions to this benefit, particularly among orthopedists, radiologists, and cardiologists, who may have back difficulties later in their careers.
This is not physically hard work for the majority of individuals. You’re not earning a large wage by working in construction, training to be a professional athlete, or handling the perils of commercial fishing.
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7. Preventive medicine and social responsibility: The doctor can play an important role in altering societal norms and taboos. Doctors, for example, can educate all members of society about the dangers of smoking or speak out against certain practices such as open defecation. And his patients listen to him and pay attention to him.
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Disadvantages of being a doctor
1. Medical school is a fairly long and extensive academic course, as well as a demanding training program with slave-like responsibilities: The criteria to become a doctor in a certain specialty vary. Most persons in the United States, for example, must first finish a four-year bachelor’s degree program before applying to medical school. After that, you must attend medical school for another four years before you may begin practicing medicine.

2. Stress and Breakdown: Being a doctor entails a certain amount of stress, which may eventually wear you down. Doctors working in emergency rooms will be faced with losing patients on a regular basis, all while juggling a high workload. Many doctors develop burnout and dissatisfaction with their careers as a result of a severe workload and irregular hours.
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3. As a doctor, you must be concerned about litigation: If you’re considering becoming a doctor, another drawback to consider is medical malpractice litigation. Each year, the justice system in the United States deals with around 2,500 instances of this nature.
Even if plaintiffs only win around 25% of the time, the amount of stress these issues entail, as well as the possibility for a reputational impact, can make it difficult to continue in the company, even if you haven’t done anything wrong.
4. As a doctor, you must be concerned about litigation: If you’re considering becoming a doctor, another drawback to consider is medical malpractice litigation. For example, each year, the justice system in the United States deals with around 2,500 instances of this nature.
Even if plaintiffs only win around 25% of the time, the amount of stress these issues entail, as well as the possibility for a reputational impact, can make it difficult to continue in the company, even if you haven’t done anything wrong.
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5. Danger to one’s health: They are more susceptible to infections, such as TB and other bacterial and viral diseases, as a result of repeated exposure to sick patients, as well as extended work hours without sufficient meals. Radiation exposure is a risk for radiologists. Some doctors are susceptible to depression, anxiety, and substance misuse as a result of their challenging working conditions.
6. Unrealistic societal expectations: Every patient cannot be saved, yet families frequently refuse to accept this truth. The doctor is being pressed to do more while being accused of not functioning correctly. In such situations, accusations of incompetence and carelessness are prevalent. These vexing chats may linger on for hours, and just one such relative per day is enough to ruin the day’s atmosphere.
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The benefits of being able to cure an illness or save a life are occasionally outweighed by the stressors of conducting emergency medical operations or losing a patient, as the pros and drawbacks of becoming a doctor demonstrate. Although the pay is high (particularly in the United States), the long hours and time away from home might devalue the position to the point that another work is explored.
Shortages in this profession will increase as our population expands and more individuals join the older age cohort, creating even more opportunities to pursue this career. If you enjoy the concept of being able to assist others, being a physician may be the appropriate career path for you.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.