Types of Sentences with Examples: A sentence is a collection of words, usually used to pass a coherent thought in virtually any language. They also contain a verb and a subject. Sentences are essentially what gives thought to languages. Words have meaning and can be conveyed to a reader but to fully pass any information, you need sentences.

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The four major kinds of sentences in English grammar are;
1. Declarative Sentences
2. Interogative Sentences
3. Imperative Sentences
4. Explanatory Sentences
Before we lunge into the details of these various types of sentences, you need to understand the benefits of sentences in the first place.
The first is that sentences gift us with an opportunity at self expression. There are little chances of misunderstanding, if we communicate full and clear sentences. The reader is about to grasp what our intentions are and what we do not mean to say.
Also, sentences can help clear mounting or intense situations. For example, if we hurt a person and simply say; `Sorry‘. It might seem as though we are not truly remorseful and things could intensify such person’s anger.
If we had chosen a clear and unambiguous sentence like; `I am sorry for mistreating you’, our remorse would be fully communicated to our readers.
Furthermore, using assorted sentences in writing will spice up our notions and help hold the readers’ attention.
The advantages of using sentences can be stretched out, depending on the type of sentence in question. Let’s review some of these types.
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The Four Main Types of Sentences according to Function with Examples
1. Declarative Sentences: A declarative sentence is the most fundamental kind of sentence. They exist solely to pass information and relay simple facts and they are usually marked with periods.
Where you intend passing a short information about a particular subject, without interrogation, declarative sentences are the most appropriate because they lack ambiguity.
Examples of these simple sentences include;
The lad walked to the mosque.
I dislike cake.
My sister is a town planner.
He enjoys pancakes, but can’t make them.

From some of the instances given, one can see the relating factor, which is that all the sentences make clear and declarative statements that -fact or opinion.
They can contain one independent clause (simple), two independent clauses (compound), one independent and dependent clause each(complex) or the entire mix (compound-complex).
Side bar: Declarative sentences can be in the past, present or future tense. The most important requirement is that they communicate clear statements.
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2. Interrogative Sentences: Interrogation sentences seek out information by asking questions. There is always a point to these sentences, an idea or a fact the writer is interested in. Most times, the replies or responses are declarative sentences that supply answers to those questions.

Interrogative sentences are targeted at an easily identifiable receiver who could supply them with answers. While there is no limit to the number of persons that can receive these questions, it must be intended for them. For instance, when a person is asking for a new employee at a newspaper firm, they are most likely referring to a reporter or journalist as opposed to an engineer. Other pointers include gender or experiences within a certain age bracket.
The following are examples of interrogative sentences:
Why is it getting dark this early?
What television drama does Estell star in?
Will Danielle remarry after losing her husband in such a way?
Are you the new fireman?
How much is the outfit and where would you wear it to?
I haven’t sent in my thesis yet, do you have the professor’s email?
In most cases, words like `what’ or `how’ start off an interrogative question, and in other cases, the sentences begin with a verb, and require a simple answer of yes/no.
Example of the latter includes;
Did you make breakfast for us?
Do you always speak so loudly?
Do you write your own lyrics?
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3. Exclamatory Sentences: These sentences are used when there are strong feelings that need to be highlighted for emphasis. Feelings here include shock, surprise, anger, frustration etc. Without explanatory sentences, a reader can skip any necessary weight attached to a particular word, and the point of the entire passage could be missed.
Take for instance, a person tells a story of how they saw a Christmas ghost in their dreams, and there are no exclamatory sentences anywhere in sight. You already know that ghost stories are largely dependent upon a surprise/shock factor. What happens then if the point is missed?
The similarity between exclamatory sentences, and declarative is that they both offer facts or opinions and can be answers to interrogation sentences. However, the major detail that sets apart explanatory sentences from declarative ones is that the former ends with an exclamation mark.
Here are a few examples:
Take that back!
She is such a great dancer!
Our mother is gone!
All the spoons are missing!
All of the above instances are short sentences, and while exclamatory have more effect as short sentences, there are long sentences that still qualify as exclamatory sentences. Here are a few of them;
I didn’t think I would get the fellowship, but my acceptance mail just arrived!
You do not only get a wealth of knowledge as an intern here, you also get free lunch!
I know you have always dreamt of meeting Ed Sheeran, so I bought you tickets!
Side bar: we do not recommend the use of exclamatory sentences in any official paper or journal. You could state exactly how you feel, each time using clear and concise sentences instead.
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4. Imperative Sentences: Interactive sentences are sentences that offer solutions or commands. You could be urging a relative to try certain things, or maybe just giving out instructions on what needs to be done, you are most likely using imperative sentences.
Some sentences under this category are more forceful than others. The tone simply determines whether a period or exclamation tag should end the sentence.
For imperative sentences ending with a period, here are some examples:
Ensure that you cover the pot when you dish out your meals.
Grab the spatula for me.
Please rinse the plates after washing.
For sentences with exclamation tags;
Turn off the television now!
Stop staring at the lady!
Take your medication immediately!
Remember that an imperative sentence can easily look like an exclamatory sentence or a declarative one. The three keys to identifying them are; tone, instructive content and their lack of a subject.
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In conclusion, sentences are the most basic bits of a piece of writing. Poorly constructed sentences can make for a terribly written paper. Other important aspects of writing like diction or tenses or verbal construction are built around sentences. The point of this entire article is really just to make you better at constructing sentences for better results.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.
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