Top 12 Best Courses In South Africa to Study: South Africa boasts of one of the best Educational facilities in Africa, providing high quality Education as well as infrastructures and adventures places for students to view and relax.
There are currently over 1.4 Million students in various institutions in South Africa offering varying Courses of their choice, while there are thousands who wish to gain admission into the higher institution in South Africa to study their desired Course. This Article critically examines the best 10 courses which prospective students may study in South Africa.
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Education in South Africa
Education in Higher institutions in South Africa is regulated by the department of Higher Education and Training hereinafter referred to as DHET which oversees all Universities and post Secondary Education in South Africa. DHET aims at having a fully inclusive post-school system which allows citizens in South Africa to access relevant post-school education and training in order to fulfill their economic and social goals of Academic participation.
The DHET has a mission of developing capable, well educated, and skilled citizens who are able to compete in a sustainable, diversified, and knowledge intensive international economy which meets the development goals of the Country.
In South Africa, there are Twenty-six (26) public universities offering a wide range of Courses to students either on full-time, part-time, and online learning basis. Thus, allowing students to take Courses in South Africa at their own pace. Let’s therefore examine the best ten Courses which a prospective student may study in South Africa.
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Top 12 Best Courses In South Africa to Study 2024
In no particular order, here are lists of the best courses to study in South Africa:
1. Journalism: Journalism involves the act of gathering, assessing, creating, writing, and presenting news and information. It is therefore an area of specialization which aims to bring information about Local, National and International events to the public.

It is a very important Course to study as it breeds communications, it allows you to meet new persons daily, be in the public light, and know whatever is happening in the country. Importantly, as a Journalist or a graduate from the relevant course, you can work anywhere either at a TV station, Radio station, Newspaper industry, digital communication, online TV or self-employed as a freelance Journalist.
To study Journalism, you may enroll for any of the Institutions offering a career to Journalism such as The school of Journalism and Media of Rhodes University, The school of Literature, Language and Media at the University of Witwatersrand (WITS), and The Department of Journalism at Stellenbosch University of Cape Town, amongst others.
2. Medicine and Surgery: Medicine and Surgery is one of the most in demand Courses as it is sought to be studied by thousands of students annually.

Studying this course enables one to become a Medical professional which is a well respected and lucrative profession due to the high demand for Medical attention to the rapid dying population of sick patients in South Africa.
To study Medicine and Surgery, you must pass your senior secondary school examinations and all relevant external examinations perquisite to getting admission into the university. Upon passing these you may enroll into any medical university of your choice in South Africa and pursue a bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery which usually takes five to six years. After successfully passing your exams at the University, you will attain your Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MbchB) degree.
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3. Marketing: Marketing is a very important course in South Africa as it is an essential tool for every successful business or organization. Studying marketing helps you to become a successful marketing professional, an expert in Marketing Research and Marketing Management which is the management of the marketing activities and resources of a company, branding and international marketing of the products of such company.

It is instructive to note that the service of a Marketing professional is in demand by all companies who want to beat their competitors in the market. To therefore become a Marketing professional you must enroll to pursue a Bachelors degree in Marketing in any South African University of your choice after which you will be prepared to lunch a successful career in the field of marketing.
4. Management: Management is a very broad, yet important Course. Management Courses in South Africa are designed for students who are seeking professional advancement in Executive and Management positions. Students may either specialize in Project Management, Development Management, Event Management, Retail management and Supply chain.
Project Management involves project planning and execution of projects through budgeting, time management, and communication. Development Management involves the strategic planning, administration, and controlling of a product during its development life cycle from project planning through its Completion and exit.
Event Management provides practical skills necessary to plan and execute large scale events with focus on project management, techniques, and communication skills.
Retail Management teaches one the management and leadership principles and industry specific topics such as Sales and inventory.
Supply Chain Management is one of the fastest growing areas today. A degree in this area will teach you how to reduce costs of sending raw materials and products to your customers.
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5. Accounting: Accounting, as expected makes the list of the best courses to study in South Africa. This is primarily because Accountants are highly sought by every organization, company or association in South Africa owing to the fact that every organization requires a person who can manage and keep track of their finances, audit their account, provide financial analysis, information system, internal audits and management accounting.

6. Law: Law is a very important course, and as a matter of fact one of the best Courses to study in South Africa as the society therein cannot operate without lawyers who are generally responsible for drafting contractual agreements, land documents, managing estates, signing legal documents, resolving and settling disputes, providing legal advice and other legal services to people.

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7. ICT: As we all know the world today is digitalized. Hence proficiency in Computer, information and communication studies is of utmost importance. This therefore makes ICT a great course to study in South Africa.
Courses which one may study under ICT includes: Computer Science, Web design technology (involves the creation and design of websites, graphic design, web engineering and interface technology to create a user friendly, informative and responsive websites), Information System (it involves a combination of business and IT information on how to analyze information and apply it to business).
8. Fashion Design: Fashion designing is one of the most creative and flourishing industry in South Africa and it has a growing demand and employment opportunities. Thereby making Fashion design a top course to study in South Africa.

There are numerous institutions in South Africa which offer a diploma and Bachelor degree to students who seek to study fashion design and fashion journalism. Thus, anyone desirous to study Fashion Designing and specialize in that area may check out these schools.
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9. Architecture: Architecture is a creative, scientific, and technical discipline dealing with the creation of the built environment for human habitation. In simple words, Architecture is the art and practice of designing and constructing building.
Hence, it is a very important course to study as everyday buildings and constructions are ongoing, and it can only be carried out through the services of an Architect who draws the plan and design of such building or construction. Another perk of studying Architecture is that it allows you to be self employed and be your own boss.
To become an Architect, you may enroll in any University in South Africa and attain your Bachelor of Architecture studies (BAS) degree.
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10. Engineering: Finally on the list is engineering which appears to be one of the best courses to study in South Africa due to the progressive nature of the Engineering industry and high demand for Engineers in South Africa.

Engineering as a course has numerous areas which a prospective student may specialize in. These areas includes: Petroleum Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial production Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Agricultural and Environmental engineering. All these areas of Engineering are very instrumental to the society and beneficial to those who study them.
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11. BA Hons in Social Policy (Community Development): The theory and application of community development are the main topics of study for this degree. For administrative purposes, the degree is known as “social policy,” although its whole focus is on community development.

It consists of three research modules focused on community-based action research, five theory modules on community development (including models and approaches to community development, ethics, and project management), and a full year of internship (requiring you to work in a supervised, approved placement for three days a week). When community development is professionalized with the SA Council for Social Service Practitioners, this degree closely aligns with the BA in Community Development and Leadership, and both will lead to registration as community development practitioners.
12. Ba Honours Multimedia Design: At GDC, interactive design and motion graphics are the main focuses of multimedia design. While motion graphics encompasses animated visuals, corporate identities, and title sequences, interactive design involves application development, web design, and physical computing.

The goals of this program, which leads to a Bachelor of Honours degree, are to strengthen and broaden the student’s knowledge in multimedia design, foster their ability to do independent research, and apply the methods and strategies of the field in both theory and practice. The curriculum emphasizes uniqueness, freedom, and complexity in order to prepare students for leadership roles in academia and design.
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In conclusion, it is further important to note that in addition to these General courses, there are Short courses which are in high demand in South Africa. By way of definition, a Short Course is a learning programme which gives you combined content or specific skill training in a short period of time. Short Courses are often concerned with the practical side of things and less theory as what is obtainable in University Courses.
Some of the most in demand and best Short courses to study in South Africa are: Digital Marketing, Advanced Project Management, Business Accounting, Health and Safety Representative Training, Software Engineering and Development Programming, Crypto currency, Copywriting, Brand influencing, and Customer relationship building. I trust this Article was insightful? Keep tabs with this Blog for more breathtaking educative and informative articles.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.