Top 12 best online shopping sites in the US: The American online trading space is a rather large and competitive one. It is by far a leading online market, paving way for other e-commerce platforms and shaping the narrative of e-commerce generally, and across the globe.
The popularity and the impressive number of people who engage in online trading in the American sphere contribute immensely to this. From having nearly three hundred million internet users, to a wide preference for online shopping among population, to the presence of smooth cash flow to facilitate spending by consumers. With access to the internet via a connectable device, a whole world of goods and services are made available to the average American. This makes the American e-commerce space the Eldorado of internet sellers and marketers and as a result, commerical competition inevitably ensues.
Over the years, there has been a domination of both the conventional commerce space and the internet trading space by several notable companies. Other companies have carved a niche for themselves in the market by catering to specific products needs and categories, such as handmade goods or refurbished goods.
As a newbie to the world of e-commerce, or even a regular online shopper who wants to know more about other shopping options available, this post would prove to be quite informative. We often find that we could get better offers for certain products if we buy them on certain sites or from online vendors that provide specifically for them.
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Top 12 Best online shopping sites in the United States of America (USA)
Going by a general perspective, the top 12 best online shopping sites in the US are;
12. Zappos: Established twenty years ago, Zappos is an online retailer of apparel. This website is a terrific place to get some amazing deals if you’re looking for reasonably priced clothing for men, women, and kids. Zappos makes shopping incredibly straightforward and easy. Using the site’s navigation, you may quickly search for the products you adore. Click the Sale link to view goods that are now on sale, including clothing, jewelry, accessories, and shoes.

Zappos doesn’t have a minimum purchase requirement and offers free delivery on all orders. However, keep in mind that if the payment card’s billing address is different from your mailing address, shipping may be delayed.
In addition, Zappos provides a year-long return policy. There will be a 365-day return window. Furthermore, return shipping is free of charge with Zappos. It displays the shipping label for you. Moreover, Zappos offers unmatched customer service. Customers may contact their in-house contact center, which has the greatest degree of involvement in the business, with any problems they may be having with their purchase.
11. Techbargains: Techbargains is a wonderful website to visit if you’re looking for electronics. The bulk of the products you will find here are TVs, desktop computers, cellphones, and many more devices because it concentrates on computers and electronics.

To help you purchase and make the most of your money, the website provides an Editor’s Choice selection for a product. If you see this emblem, it indicates that the product offers good value for money and has been reviewed by the staff of the website.
Techbargains offers free shipping on a selection of products, and you can always find discounted stuff here. To get that discounted pricing, all you have to do is peruse the collections and click the “Reveal Code” button.
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10. WAYFAIR: Wayfair started out as CSN stores in 2002. It provides an e-commerce platform for the sale of home ware and goods.

It works by connecting buyers and sellers or suppliers on one digital platform. This way, millions of products are made available to consumers by thousands of suppliers who in turn have a marketplace provided for them to display their goods.
To better improve the digital services they provide, Wayfair has established various warehouses and branches all over the United States and in other countries such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, etc.
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9. COSTO: Costco, the shorthand name for Costco Wholesale Corporation, is a warehouse company with chains of stores. They operate in several countries including Japan, Mexico, Australis, South Korea, Spain and of course, the United States.
They have available a wide variety of products including computers, home appliances, accessories, electronics, furniture, etc.
In addition to their online store, Costco also operates about 750 physical warehouses in their various branches. They generate over 83 million visits in traffic per month.
8. LOWE: Lowe is the second in line among largest stores for hardware and homeware products in the United States. They sell a range of products in both their physical store locations and their online store platforms, including furniture, basic home repair tools, garden tools and equipments, construction equipment and home appliances.

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7. BEST BUY: When narrowing the American online market down to sites that sell specific products, Best Buy is top on the list. It is a leading store that specialises in retail sales of electronics for consumer use, including home and office appliances, video games, mobile phones and related gadgets, etc.

They operate especially in the United States and established branches in China, Mexico and Canada. However, its online store is concentrated on an American market and consumers.
6. HOME DEPOT: Home Depot stores is the place to go to when in search of home décor and improvement supplies. They are also a retail supplier of hardware supplies, furniture, construction and garden equipments and tools. They are the largest hardware store in the United States with over 2,200 branches all over the country, in addition to their Mexican and Canadian expansion stores.
They operate their stores in both a conventional market and an online store that generates over 230 million visits in traffic every month.
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5. TARGET: Asides Walmart chain of department stores, Target is the next big thing on the list as regards retail departmental stores in the United States. It operates over 1,800 department stores all over the country and have also extended their retail services to their online platform.

Target sells a range of products on their online store including furniture, home appliances, body and beauty products, cookware and fashion products, etc.
4. ETSY: Etsy is an online marketplace focused on the sale of handmade, custom-made/bespoke and vintage products. It provides a platform for companies and even individuals involved in making handmade products to sell their products directly to customers that need these products.

For buyers, it is the perfect online marketplace for specific products and orders that one wouldn’t usually find on general online stores. Items such as handmade jewelry, cutlery, beauty products, clothes and accessories, furniture, etc.
Etsy generates approximately 392 million visits in traffic monthly.
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3. EBAY: eBay is a popular e-commerce platform that started off in 1995, and has extended its services to many other countries ever since.

It offers a peculiar commercial service to both buyers and sellers – the provision of a plaform for online auctioning.
They organise online auction sales of products such as sports and garden equipment, vehicles, auto parts, electronics, toys, etc.
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2. WALMART: Walmart is a household name in the United States for nearly every product saleable. It operates primarily as a chain of departmental stores, including large grocery sections and also sections for other products.
Walmart has extended its services to places like Mexico and Canada, and their online store is as top notch as its offline stores. They have available a variety of products from spare parts to electronics and home appliances, fashion to make-up and from foods to supplements
1. AMAZON: Amazon generates approximately 2.5 billion visits in traffic monthly. It started in 1994 in the United States as an internet bookstore. Later, it expanded to include commodities such as electronics, food, home appliances, jewelry, clothes, toys, shoes, etc.

It also set up market spaces in other countries, making it a globally known internet trading option. As it amassed sales and profits, it also engaged in publishing, video and music streaming, as well as setting up conventional market branches by acquiring Whole Foods Market.
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It can be safely inferred at this point in time that the future of trading and commerce would be largely rooted in the digital world. People are increasingly adopting online shopping as a major means of purchasing goods because of the convenience and product diversity or variety it offers.
The digital marketplace has also evolved and is still evolving to make it even more convenient for the average shopper to make more of their purchases online. An example of such improvement made includes the development of e-commerce companies that cater for specific products i.e companies that sell only electronics, or clothes, or hardware products or sports equipments or books. There are also companies that particularly sell refurbished or second-hand products. The digital marketplace is also so vast that a customer or shopper would likely always find whatever product he searches for.
Shopping online also has its cons, so every online shopper is advised to surf through these sites wisely. Once one gets a hang of it, shopping online can be a very exciting and benefits venture.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.