Differences Between a Ruler and a Leader: People frequently confuse the terms Rulers and Leaders and use one in place of the other, even though these two terms do not have the same meaning. The primary distinction between rulers & leaders is their ability to make decisions. You choose to follow a leader, but you are forced to submit to a ruler.
When we think about it, it’s relatively obvious, but in society, verbal embellishment has always been an excellent instrument for deception, and the line between rulers and leaders has been disguised by dishonest and misleading language. We’ll look at the difference between a leader and a ruler, as well as other related topics, in this post.
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Who is a Ruler?
Those who rule are known as rulers. To rule means “to exercise ultimate power and authority over an area and its people,” as well as “to control, guide, direct,” “impose regulations,” “dominate,” and “to exert ultimate power and authority over an area and its people.” Kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, dictators, lawmakers, governors, and mayors are all examples of rulers.

Smaller controllers and dominators, such as thieves, rapists, batterers, kidnappers, and murders, are not commonly referred to as rulers, but the distinction is one of degree rather than kind, as the previous definitions demonstrate.
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Who is a Leader?
Leaders, as opposed to rulers, are people who lead. To lead means “to steer on a course,” “to guide,” “to journey,” “to move forth,” and “to go forth.” In general, rulers, as well as parents, teachers, business people, priests, scientists, tour guides, and others, are considered leaders. Leaders are rulers, as can be seen, yet not all leaders are rulers. Other types of leaders, such as parents and instructors, may also serve as rulers, although this is not a requirement of the position.

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Major Differences between a Ruler and a Leader
1. A ruler is someone who sets the rules that you have no choice but to follow. If you do not, you risk death, jail, or physical injury. They all believe that being the boss gives you full power and influence over others. Leadership, on the other hand, includes all definitions that affect directives, guidance, motivation, enablement, encouragement, and inspiration toward others to be the right fit they can be by properly utilizing their talents, potential, and abilities. Because Jesus built his leadership style on the foundation of service, it must be viewed through the lens of providing service to others rather than enslaving them.

2. Within the concept of rulership, there is a significant distinction about what is ruled. Rulers claim to have authority over both people and resources, but I don’t believe this is necessary. While I believe that property owners are rulers over their land, this does not imply that they have authority over other individuals who use their land. I am the ruler of my house, but not of him if I let someone into my home.

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3. Leaders have willing followers, whereas rulers have a disproportionate amount of power over their subjects. Anarchists and voluntaryists generally do not oppose leaders unless they begin to use compulsion in some way, at which time they become rulers.

Another term that is linked is authority. Rulers force their will on the people. Leaders, on the other hand, earn their power by experience. If there was a single word to describe the difference between rulers and leaders, it would be an imposition.
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4. Effective leadership has been the most important factor in the high flyers’ current success in terms of growth, performance, and development. It is the role of leaders to empower their followers, to show them how relying on others may help them break down barriers, overcome obstacles, and make a meaningful difference. In contrast to leadership, the idea of rulership will not only stifle creativity but also create a massive barrier to innovation.

5. Following a leader is a decision, and making that decision is critical to ensuring that our leaders are truly accountable and serve our best interests. Your needs or desires are unimportant when you have rulers, as we do now. There is no option, and the only justifiable attempt made to give the impression of choice is to prevent inciting populist revolts or revolutions. Persuade people that they are already free and will not struggle for it.
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6. When rulers establish norms, they are free to operate outside of them without repercussions. Great leaders don’t breach norms out of arrogance or pride; they do so to improve outcomes. When exceptional leaders defy established rules, they do so to take the people they lead on a journey they have never taken before.
When leaders defy the rules, they liberate their followers. When leaders defy the odds, they make the impossible possible. When leaders defy the rules, they ignite the imaginations of those around them.
7. Throughout history, rulers have ruled over societies. Various dictatorships have reigned over people and subjugated them to varying degrees, many of which masquerade as democratic governments.
Whether it was overt slavery in the past, economic slavery in the present, or other varying degrees of subjection that served the ruling elites, people have never been truly free because their power is based on their monopoly on the use of force and the claims of ownership they have made on everyone and everything.
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What is Leading by Example?
The process through which one person influences the attitudes and conduct of others is known as leadership. Others will be able to recognize what lies ahead and respond quickly to any difficulties that may occur if you lead by example. There will be frequent disagreements when a group is led by someone who lacks leadership qualities because everyone wants to do things their way.
One of a leader’s duties is to motivate others to perform their best for the organization’s benefit. To do so, the leader must lead by example, becoming personally involved in the process. A CEO, for example, can discourage staff from making superfluous purchases to boost company profits. Employees, on the other hand, will not take the CEO seriously if he frequently replaces his office furnishings, and they will continue to spend. However, if the CEO cuts back on wasteful spending in his own office and focuses on increasing revenue, the employees are likely to follow suit.
Final Thought
The distinction between rulers and leaders is important to understand since it is critical to comprehending modern society’s underlying issues and immorality. Force isn’t required for good ideas. If leaders were truly helping us, they would not need to employ force or impose their will on us in the way that only rulers do. They would serve us if they were leaders, and we may refuse such service at any time.
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The most important navigators are LEADERS and RULERS, but people will always follow someone modest who shows the way, goes the way leads the way, and is open to recommendations, rather than someone arrogant and full of orders. Now that you understand the difference between ruler and leader, it’s time to decide if you’ve been a leader or a ruler to your followers.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.
Things has really falling apart in our societies. We don’t know who’s a ruler or leader these days money consciousness has eaten deep into our heart that we forgot the good qualities of a good leader I pray ???? God help us.
Things has really falling apart in our societies. We don’t know who’s a ruler or leader these days money consciousness has eaten deep into our heart that we forgot the good qualities of a good leader I pray ???? God help us.