How To Make Women Chase You: Are appearances important from a woman’s perspective? To be honest, men are typically very particular about looks and appreciate a beautiful woman. Women on the other hand are quite different from men in their outlook and emotional state. The difference between men and women is that men are more into looks and visual aspect whereas women are more into emotions. As a result, you would be greatly misguided if you thought that the only way to attract women to chase you is to look like Tom Cruise.
Also, Everything you do reflects your personality; a lady could respect a man’s personality more highly than his physical looks. Personality is mostly determined by how you behave and present yourself. Despite the fact that you might not be very gorgeous, your personality can go a long way to attract a woman to chase you. You might be wondering how a common person like you can draw women after hearing what I just said. To find out the answers to all of your questions, keep reading.
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How To Make Women Chase You
1. Project Self Confidence: It’s no secret that all women value confidence as the most important quality in a man. So, in order to attract a woman’s attention and ultimately entice her to chase you, you must demonstrate that you are the assured man she desires. Before you even meet a lady, you can convey confidence to her by your body language.

Avoid excessive movement such as fidgeting or aimless walking to achieve this. Instead, keep your movements deliberate and under control. Move and walk with purpose and direction at all times. This will make you appear certain to the women who notice you.
2. Be Humorous Around Her: The second quality that all women look for in men is humor, just after confidence. This does not require you to be the room’s funniest guy or to tell constant jokes. You only need to demonstrate that you have the ability to make her laugh. A well-placed joke or quip will do wonders for making a girl giggle and boosting your attractiveness to ladies.

If you struggle to be humorous when speaking to women, it can be helpful to keep a joke, a hilarious tale, or a clever piece of banter in your back pocket that you can use whenever the occasion arises.
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3. Sharpen Your Conversational Skills: Being a great communicator can make girls chase you because women are known for being vocal people. She will perceive you as bland and dull if you lack vocal communication when sharing anecdotes, compliments, or practically anything else.

Be gregarious and communicate in any way you please! Being a good conversationalist involves listening well as much as it does having a lot to say that is amusing or intriguing. To make her feel unique, try to keep the conversation as focused on her as you can.
4. Get Her to Chase You With Playful Teasing: The push-pull method of flirting is a brilliant way to get women to start chasing you. The purpose of this move is to playfully push a woman away and make her wonder if you are interested in her. You want to approach it in a lighthearted manner so that she assumes you are joking but isn’t sure.

Here is an illustration of push-pull banter to use with a girl: You may say something like, “Aw you’re adorable, you’re like my baby sister,” when speaking to a girl. This is a great technique to tease a girl because it’s a praise, but she doesn’t want to be viewed as your baby sister at the same time. She desires to project an image of a desirable, sexy woman. She will try to influence your perception of her if she is even somewhat interested in you.This can make the girl want to chase you.
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5. Be Emotionally Available: Being emotionally distant whenever she needs you is the quickest way to turn a woman off. Play the hard to get and maintain your composure, yes, but it doesn’t mean you have to be emotionally distant from her.

Be there for her whenever she requires support, a listening ear, or a shoulder to weep on.Don’t tell her that she’s being theatrical or overreacting; instead, acknowledge her sentiments. She’ll chase you if she thinks of you as the kind of man who actually cares.
6. Be Loyal and Trustworthy: Two qualities that any woman respects are loyalty and dependability. Demonstrate your loyalty and dependability if you want to learn how to attract girls. She will gradually open her heart to you if she is confident in you. Also, She won’t be able to readily replace you if she counts on you to be trustworthy.

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7. Make Yourself Physically Irresistible: We are aware of your belief that a man’s appearance doesn’t really matter—at least, that’s what the stereotypes say. But it’s your appearance that grabs a woman’s attention. Even if you’re not Mr. Perfect, you still need to look respectable and appealing. Simple enough to make women chase you, maintaining a neat and tidy appearance is important.

8. Don’t Be Constantly Available At All Times: Don’t always be present when she looks for you if you really want to get her chase you. We are aware that this sounds harsh, but how can she possibly miss you if you are always at her fingertips? Give her the feeling of desire by delaying texting her and keeping your plans with her.

She will begin to believe that you are desperate if she notices that you consistently break plans to hang out with friends or cancel arrangements to get out solely to spend time with her every day. Someone who is desperate is someone that no one else is interested in.
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9. Be Kind: Girls are tremendously drawn to men who are kind to others, maintain a positive outlook, and remain amicable. The way you treat people shows how much you value and love them. Women immediately recognize an unkind person as a red flag. Being kind to everyone you encounter is part of this, not just to her.

Furthermore, women desire mental intimacy more than anything else. If you can influence her thoughts, you will be very close to winning her heart. Don’t be afraid to display your knowledge if you want to get a girl to chase you.She will appreciate it if you have in-depth conversations with her, pose her questions, and demonstrate your global curiosity.
10. Get Busy With Your Life: This really helps when learning how to attract girls’ attention. She has high expectations for you, therefore when you don’t reply to her text right away because you’re busy, that will make her take notice of you. She’ll be the one wondering what’s going on with you, and this mystery will keep her on her toes.
The most crucial part is that it includes the aspect of desire that would make her want to pursue you, especially when she’s a bit afraid she might be losing you!
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When seeking for direct ways to entice a woman to chase you, there are many considerations to make. Make sure you comprehend these tried-and-true tips, tricks, and strategies before implementing them. You WILL succeed if you focus on the female in front of you, improve your body language reading skills, and use the tried-and-true methods in front of you.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.