Best congratulation messages for your loved friends, family & work colleagues: Appreciating someone for achieving something do not just make them feel loved, it also reminds them that people bare always watching band keeping track records of their growth.
Congratulation messages is one of the sweetest way to tell someone that you’re happy because of His/Her success or good luck.
Whether it is about getting a new job, a promotion, getting good grades or results, qualifying for any examination, owning a house or property, getting married, giving birth to a baby, admission, opening of a personal business or firm, one thing or the other. People tends to congratulate one another for so many reason.

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Below are 70+ CONGRATULATORY MESSAGES that would make that person smile and feel proud.
Best Congratulatory massages for Car, House, Promotion
1. After years of trekking miles, days of lone walks to far distance. Today has marked the end, and you’ve been launched into relaxation, comfort and accessibilities. Congratulations on your new car.
2. The truth remains; cars are not just for luxury alone. They’re necessity for our day to day activities to enable us move from one place to another with ease. Welcome to easy transition. Congratulations
3. Having just one means of movement could be very boring and tasking . The idea is to have as many as you wish and can afford. Congratulations as we welcome another addition to your garage.

4. You took us Unaware. Who would believe having another car was your next target. You never cease to to fall in love with automobiles. Congratulations on your latest.
5. One of the things that makes a man confident is SHELTER. A place to always call home. Congratulations on your new mansion.
6. You can have all comfort. Go everywhere, but will never have satisfaction like when you’re home. Congratulations; your new house is amazing.
7. Wow, how inspiring it was to see your latest mansion, it wasn’t easy putting up all these, but it’s worth the resources, time and energy. Congratulations
8. Congratulations on your well deserved mansion. You’ve served your organisation for years with deligence and flawless services. You deserve this house as a reward
9. Consistency, HARDWORK, and determination are the pioneers to success. It will not always come easily, it will cost process and training. But the end result tends to blow you off your feet. Congratulations on your promotion.
10. How exciting it is to see you grow from one level to another with so much success and discipline. Congratulations on your new position
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Best Congratulation message for Graduation, Coronation/Ordination

1. Congratulations to you, wishing you more success and higher degrees to attain in the future. When others said it couldn’t be done, you showed up and proved the opposite.
2. So exciting to share this lovely moment with you in your graduation. There is so much more to be achieved and I know you’re not holding back a bit. Congratulations
3. With so much love and pride, you’ve proved that our family are made from the clan of geniuses. Congratulations on your graduation
4. Warmest congratulations on your graduation. We know you’d use all you’ve learnt to serve your father land and make your nation proud. We are proud of you!
5. You are a huge inspiration and support system to the younger generation in this community, Nation and the world at large. Congratulations on your Coronation.
6. A big congratulations to His Royal Highness fir achieving your goals and accomplishing all the tasks given, just to make our community a better place.
7. This is the day that the lord has made, and we wi rejoice and be glad in it. Congratulations on your ordination, servant of God.
8. I join the host of heaven and every other person to wish you success. We celebrate with you on your full induction as a pastor. Congratulations!
9. Allah is great and his love for those who believes in him is exceptional. Congratulations Mallam
10. May almighty Allah grant you grace as you journey in his work and divine assignment. Congratulations
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Best Congratulations Messages for Child Birth, Recovery (sickness, kidnap or theft)

1. Children are one of the gifts of God. We can’t manufacture or create any as unique and beautiful as this one. Congratulations as you welcome your new Baby.
2. May your baby be blessed with good health, strength, and lots of joy and laughter. Your baby will grow both in stature and wisdom. Congratulations!
3. All this year’s of patiently waiting and trusting God for a male child, He (God) has decided to give you one who would not just bear the family name, but that would also be the light shining in your family. Congratulations!
4. The excitement is so much that your baby arrives this world safe and sound, with smiles all over her face . No doubt she’s amongst the beautiful ones who would change your family for good. Congratulations
5. Congratulations to the latest parents who would start buying diapers, playing and singing for a beautiful princess/Princess to fall asleep. It’d be fun.
6. Parenting is a life changing phase for every couple. May yours be filled with love and happiness as you embark on this amazing journey in life. May you cherish each and every moment of it with your baby.
7. Many has been victims of awful kidnap and they were not able to make it out. Thank God you came out without a scratch, Hale and hearty and in a good piece. Congratulations
8. Congratulations, you were able to recover your stolen car. It has never been the desire of anyone to loose properties to thief’s or hoodlums!
9. After several surgeries and many medications, I’m so glad to be here with you celebrating life and overcoming cancer. Congratulations
10. I was confident you’d step out of that sick bed and bounce back to been you, accident could not claim your life dear. Congratulations
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Best congratulation messages for Grand Opening; New Business /company, New school and Establishment
1. Many your business prosper and flourish. We wish you vast growth. We’re sending our warmest congratulations on your grand opening
2. Wealth do not come to people by chance or luck, it comes to people who consciously shows interest and has invested hard work just like you did. Best wishes and congratulations my friend in your new business
3. For all your hard work and discipline, you deserve every single success you’re enjoying now. Congratulations on your grand opening
4. Education is the key for success in this generation, and you’ve given back to the society showing how much you love and cherish the success of the younger generation. Congratulations on the opening of your new school.
5. You have all the ingredients if being a successful entrepreneur. This venture of yours is destined for greatness and nothing short of that. Congratulations!
6. You’ve taken a very bold and big step in becoming an entrepreneur. May you find success and fulfilment in your new endeavours. Congratulations
7. We are so proud and excited to share in your success story. This is the least achievement you’d ever have. Congratulations
8. Facing challenges with strength, determination and confidence is what truly matters. Seeing obstacles as stepping stones to greater achievement is the biggest strength of every entrepreneur, and you my dear has done it. Congratulations
9. Dreams and ideas are worthless if there is no track record of courage to do every single thing dreamt of. Congratulations, this is dream come true.
10. Success is delivered only to the deserving. It’s the amount of HARDWORK invested that produces success. Congratulations to you for achieving one of the milestone of your life.
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Congratulations for marriages and Wedding Anniversaries
1. May your love shine brighter, you will both walk together and achieve so much. Enjoy every single spark of love. Congratulations on your wedding and love day.
2. May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients. May your hit last forever, a heap of love, a touch of romance and tea cup of understanding. Your wedding day may come and go, but congratulations… Your love will grow forever.
3. You’ve decided to spend the rest of your lives together, to walk through the aisle, through the good and bad times, and to always be there for each other. It will be nothing short of love, happiness and growth. Congratulations to the latest couples.
4. May your love grow stronger, each and passing year. May this chapter of your lives usher you into endless moments of love and happiness. Congratulations.
5. So excited to see my favourite lovebirds accomplish great things together. May your love experience last forever. Congratulations.
6. Continue to live a joyous life together for many more years yet to come. This love will never wax cold.Congratulations.
7. May the love you have fir each other continue to grow and blossom with no experience of regrets. Congratulations
8. So many people has agreed to live together as one, but today they are no longer together. Congratulations on another year spent in love, harmony and unity… You inspire the younger generation.
9. With joy in my heart I wish you an anniversary that’s as unique as the love you both shared this past years and more to come.
10. Happy anniversary to the old lovebirds that inspires me every day. Watching two of you this past years has made me realise we are nothing without Love.
Congratulation messages for school Admission, Trade Freedom, National Independence
1. My friend, all your hard work, sleepless nights and back to back studies has paid off. It’s certainly a dream come true as you’re admitted into tertiary institution. Congratulations, this calls for celebration.
2. Such a great news that you were offered admission to major universities with so much ease. Certainly a proud moment for you. Congratulations
3. We all know the school and course you chosed was not for dullies . And you’ve proven to everyone that you’re not just intelligent, but you have all the criteria’s to achieve academical excellence. Congratulations. Welcome to school
4. You’ve studied hard and you’ve showed everyone what you’re capable of. With distinctive results, you’re marching into that prestigious university and with flying colours you’d march out. Congratulations.
5. Kudos, you’ve consistently learnt this trade for years and now you have all the basic knowledge required. As you step out to opening your own business, it would grow rapidly. Congratulations!
6. Nothing can stop you now, keep reaching for the stars, you have all you need to make this work. Congratulations
7. Being free means being able to change the world. We are proud to say that our Independence gives us opportunity to make positive changes and correct all our past mistakes. Congratulations to our great Nation.
8. Today, we celebrate every citizen of our country. Thank you for always Caring for the welfare and future of our nation. Happy independence, Nigeria.
9. Though we are many people, we differ in tribe and tongue. But together in one accord we’ve stood to make our nation a better place for ourselves and generations yet to come. Congratulations on our Independence!
10. Independence day is an amazing opportunity to remind ourselves how hard our fore leaders worked for it. Through blood, tears and pains, they fought for our freedom. Congratulations, it’s another year of independence.
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Sweet congratulation messages for a relationship; Superior to subordinate, Team leader to staffs
1. Serving under your supervision this past years has really exposed me to certain realities and information. You worked hard for this Boss, congratulations on your well deserved promotion.
2. You made every day in this office shine brighter, I’m so glad you’re finally getting out of this place to venture into your own establishment. I’m proud of you Boss. Congratulations!
3. Thank you for your mentorship, you’re a talented leader . You’re a huge inspiration to us all and we sincerely pray this is the least achievement you would ever have. Congratulations.
4. Your success story never cease to inspire us, you’re an excellent mentor, I’ve learnt so many things under your supervision and tutelage. Congratulations on your well deserved promotion.
5. As you move up to the next phase of your career, there will be hindrances and obstacles, but I know you can conquer them all. You deserve every bit of success because your relentless hard work has paid off. Congratulations!
6. You’re not just my Boss, you are a great leader and mentor to many. An extraordinary leader with superhuman managerial skills. Congratulations Boss.
7. Average people always look for the best, but geniuses as you turns the worst into the best. You are the actual gem of our organisation. Congratulations to you my dear.
8. Since you joined our team, there has been no reason to regret. You’ve not just been a team player, you’ve shown you’re exceptional with your duties. Congratulations and safe trip to Dubai.
9. You made me more proud to be your mentor. You unleashed a jewel. Congratulations, I wish this new opportunity brings you a successful life.
10. Congratulations to the real king of our office, your hard work, deligence, sincerity and smiling face made this organisation more effective. I wish you could create records and break the entire barrier in your professional career. Cheers my friend.
Conclusion: Give that person or group of persons sparks of love and confidence for a good achievement by sending them some congratulatory messages. Remember congratulations are contagious.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.