Countries with Lowest Divorce Rate in the world: Marriage and love. The majority of those looking for a love companion want to find both. Many marriages, unfortunately, end in divorce. In the United States, about 39% of couples divorce, which is lower than previous statistics but still quite high. Between 1970 and 2008, the global divorce rate doubled, rising from roughly 2.6 divorces per 1,000 married individuals to 5.5 divorces per 1,000 married persons. Irreconcilable conflicts, infidelity, money issues, falling out of love, abuse, substance misuse, and other causes all contribute to people being divorced.
When it comes to the number of people who have successful marriages, there is a significant disparity between nations. Part of the variance might be due to how divorce is accepted or not in different cultures, as well as whether or not couples believe they can achieve financially on their own if they divorce. Individuals in the United States are highly likely to divorce when the economy is flourishing, according to research, because they believe they will have greater career opportunities and will be able to thrive on their earnings.It’s unclear whether this is true in other nations. Thus, who is remaining together and enduring the long haul in marriage?

According to news source, the nations with the lowest divorce rates in the world are listed below.
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Top 13 Countries with the Lowest Divorce Rate in the world 2024
1. India (1%): Indians can boast that their country has the lowest divorce rate of any country on the planet. Are all of the weddings a huge success? Maybe, but maybe not. Everyone in India is either married or engaged to be married. The single guy arouses sympathy, whereas the unmarried lady arouses interest.

The great majority of weddings in Indian society are still planned, and people tolerate this. In fact, according to an IPSOS poll conducted in 2013, over 74 percent of young Indians prefer arranged marriages.
However, love is not necessarily so conventional for the rest of India’s population. People conduct affairs, have several wives or spouses, cross-dress, take on partners for pleasure, and do what humans do all around the world when it comes to romance. They simply don’t get divorced. In India’s legal system, the concept of divorce is strongly linked to religious beliefs, which may be one of the factors preventing individuals from getting a legal divorce.
2. Chile (3%): Chileans also have an extremely low divorce rate, which is quite unexpected. This is shocking mainly because Chilean life is quite different from Indian life.

Chileans are bound by marriage laws that are enshrined in the country’s constitution. According to that constitution, the family is the foundation of society. Chile’s Civil Marriage Law did not come into effect until 2004. Marriage was controlled for the first time in the country by legislation. As a result, divorce became legal for Chileans for the first time at this period. It’s possible that these factors contribute to Chile’s low divorce rate, despite the fact that more Chileans are now filing for divorce then ever.
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3. Colombia (9%): Although Colombia has a low divorce rate, there is a significant incidence of infidelity in marriage in Colombian society. Colombians may not be legally divorced because the majority of Colombians are Catholics, but couples do end things and go their own ways.
Up to a startling 66 percent of Colombian men and women admit to cheating on their partners at least once, making the nation the most unfaithful in Latin America. Is it still a marriage if the quality has deteriorated? That is a point of contention.
4. Mexico (15%): Another nation with a low divorce rate is this one, which is largely Catholic. Couples do break up, but data show that just a small percentage of those who do divorce actually do so. However, the frequency of divorces in the United States is increasing. Between 2001 and 2017, the number of divorces registered in Mexico increased by more than double, from 57,370 to 147,581.

According to other estimates, the surge is related to the fact that fewer Mexicans are getting married in the first place, thus increasing the divorce rate. In 2008, about 60% of couples between the ages of 15 and 29 opted to marry. By 2018, the figure had fallen to 42.8 percent. People in this age range are still together, but not legally married.
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5. Turkey (22%): In Turkey, civil law stipulates that a couple can divorce if their marriage has irreversibly dissolved. In Turkey, though, being divorced carries a lot of humiliation. This is a Muslim country, thus divorce is permitted, as it was over 1,400 years ago under Islamic law, although it is frowned upon in practice.

In Turkey, divorce is often regarded as a contentious issue that merely splits a family apart, with women being more likely than males to be shunned by their peers. Domestic abuse is the leading cause of divorce among women in our country.
According to reports, women are seeking divorce more frequently now, not because they are experiencing more conflict, but because they have greater confidence in their ability to pursue their own independence. In Turkey, more women are working, and as a result, they are more conscious of their rights as people.
In Turkey, approximately 15% of weddings are still child-bride marriages, although people’s attitudes are changing. All of these variables lead to growing divorce rates in the future, but a present national divorce rate that is still fairly low.

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6. Guatemala (0.3%): Today, this country has the lowest rate of divorce out of all the countries of the world in that it boasts only 0.3% divorces per 1,000 people. This means that among 1,000 people together in this country, only 0.3 people have experience divorce in marriage.

However, under the Guatemalan law, boys of 16-18 years and girls of 14 years are eligible for marriage and these marriages must be with the consent of the intending couples and not by force.
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7. South Africa (6.2%): In 2021, it was reported that the South African stats showed that divorce in the country is trending low in that it was 6.2% lower than what it was prior to that year and since then, it has continued reducing.

Moreover, divorce is low in this country because the older citizens (that is 65 years and above) and younger citizens (that is 25 years) hardly negotiate divorce unlike other age groups.
Today, the economic and financial status of the couple are relevant at the time of divorce and so if they are suffering in their finances, their marriage will be dissolved and such case is rare in the country. These are the reasons why divorce is so low in South Africa in that it is one of the countries with low rate of divorce all over the world in recent times.
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8. Peru (0.5%): This country has low rate of divorce maybe because of some valuable factors such as: family values and religion. Usually in Latin America, family unity is highly valued and couples are taught and admonished to avoid the dissolution of their marriages and remain together despite their challenges and hardships.

Today in Peru, there are only 0.5% of the people have experienced divorce in the midst of 1,000 population.
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9. United Arab Emirate (UAE): Today, many different aspects of the UAE community law have undergone some changes and the aspect of divorce is one of them. Dissolution has reduced because its women are now educated (which has helped them to understand the consequences of divorce) and independent and these virtues have given them some demands and power to remain with their husbands no matter the situation.

However, despite this improvement, some of the UAE women are mere housewives who take care of their husbands and children and handle the needs of the whole family. From 2009 to 2020 (11 years), about 7,000 divorce cases were recorded in UAE and today, in this kind of situation, divorce will not be common and will be at the lowest rate.
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10. Uzbekistan
One divorce per 1,000 persons.
A mere 1 divorce per 1,000 individuals made Uzbekistan the Central Asian nation with the lowest divorce rate in 2018. This is an extremely low percentage. The traditional emphasis on maintaining the family unit is perhaps one factor in the low divorce rate.

In Uzbekistan, marriage typically occurs after two or three dates between potential spouses. Family members frequently introduce these couples, and it’s typical for women to get married before turning 25. Domestic abuse, intervention from family members, and careless household administration are a few reasons for divorce that are stated in Uzbekistan.
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11. French Guiana
Rate of divorce: 0.8 per 1,000 people
French Guiana follows the same divorce and marriage laws as France because it is an overseas territory of that country.

However, French Guiana has a divorce rate per 1,000 persons that is less than half that of France as a whole. It’s interesting to note that the top explanations for divorce vary between France’s overseas departments and the country’s mainland. For instance, French Guiana has a substantially higher rate of divorces due to “abandonment of the marital home” than the rest of the nation.
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12. Venezuela
Rate of divorce: 0.7 per 1,000 people
Venezuela is third on this list of nations with low divorce rates, with a divorce rate of 0.7 per 1,000 inhabitants, the same as Malta and Ireland. Due to the country’s predominately Catholic population, divorce was previously uncommon, despite the fact that it is now legal and far less stigmatized. In Venezuela, many divorcees go on to find new love. It is equally legal for either spouse to file for divorce.

Venezuela’s culture of courtship and marriage is remarkably similar to other Western countries’. Dating starts in the teens and early twenties, frequently without any expectations of marriage, and most relationships develop naturally rather than through prearranged meetings of the two people. In cities, this is especially true. A large portion of Venezuelans want to wed before turning 30.
13. Tajikistan
Divorce rates in Tajikistan are 1.1 per 1,000 persons.
With 1.1 divorces per 1,000 people, Tajikistan is among the nations with the lowest divorce rates in the world. Despite being ranked number 4 on this global list, it has the second-lowest divorce rate among the nations of Central Asia. This region’s nations typically have low divorce rates due to their strong family-centered customs.

In Tajikistan, the number of divorces each year has been continuously rising, as is the situation in many other nations. The number of divorces in the nation increased by approximately five times between 2000 and 2018. Family pressure-induced early marriages are believed to be one of the leading causes of subsequent divorce in Tajikistan.
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Depending on the nation and the reasons for spouses splitting up, both a high and low divorce rate might be considered a good influence. The key thing is that individuals are genuine to each other and themselves, and that they move on if they are dissatisfied, rather than sticking together in their promised relationships.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.