Top 14 Easiest Programming Languages To Learn: Technological advancements and innovations has seen the world tilt towards the side of programming. Thus, making programming a major softskill in today’s world as it is now in high demand all over the world and is well lucrative too.
This meritorious rise of Programming and its lucrative nature has led to thousands of people now paying to study Programming courses or willing to learn a Programming language. Where for instance, you fall within these category of people seeking to equip their soft skills by learning a Programming language, this article is for you as we examine the easiest Programming language which you can learn.

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What you should know about Learning Programming
Before I start mentioning some of the relatively easy programming languages you can start learning instantaneously, it is important to note that experience, passion and determination are also important factors that can determine whether a programming language will be very easy or difficult. Take for instance, someone who already has knowledge of basic Web programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc, may not find it difficult to learn application programming languages.
In that same light, someone who enjoys, likes or is familiar with the pattern of a particular programming languages will probably learn it faster than someone who doesn’t. So, while you are reading the list of programming languages mentioned in this article, it is important to put all of those factors in mind.
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Top 14 Most Uncomplicated And Easiest Programming Languages You Can Learn 2024
In no particular order, the easiest programming languages to learn are as follows:
1. HTML: While it is rightfully argued that HTML is not a Programming language because it is usually used for structural purposes on a Web page, while a Programming Language have functional purposes, HTML otherwise known as Hypertext Markup language has been included by me in this list owing to the fact that it is the basis of learning how to program or be a programmer. Hence, in this context it may be referred to as a Programming Language.

HTML is a standard code and markup language for creating webpages and contents. It describes the structure of the web page, and also tells the browser how to display the content. As a matter of fact, HTML is a very easy code to learn. This fact is also affirmed by a research made by WP Engine developers, who said that HTML is both the easiest programming language to learn and the one which programmers are most comfortable with.
2. Python: Python is a high-level, versatile, easy, and general purpose programming language. It is also a very important programming language as it has a plethora of uses which includes: it is used as a scripting language for web applications, it is used for implementing back and end functionality for websites, it is used in software applications, operating systems, games, scientific and mathematical computing.

Inspite of all these numerous functions, python remains of the easiest programming language to learn, as it is straightforward to learn and use, and it has a high code readability, simple syntax, and a colossal community of programmers. Thus, making it one of the easiest programming language to learn.
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3. Javascript: JavaScript otherwise known as a Scripting language, is a high level and object-oriented programming language which is used for creating webpages, executing complex web actions, web development, server application, web design, and many more.

JavaScript remains one of the easiest Programming Language to learn due to the fact that it is beginner-friendly.
4. PHP: PHP, an acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor is a known general purpose Scripting language usually used for Web development, creating web pages for web applications, and for ecommerce applications.

PHP is also used for managing contents on the web, database, accessing cookies, encrypting data, and restricting the access of users to some pages of your website. PHP is very simple, efficient, flexible, and secured programming language. Likewise it is very easy to learn, especially for beginners.
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5. Java: Java is a high level programming language which is used for Mobile App development, Cloud-based applications, gaming application, Desktop GUI applications, and many more.

Java have established itself as one of the most popular, favorable, versatile, yet easiest programming language to write in and also to learn. This is because the Java Programming Language is beginner-friendly, well-structured and straight forward, and its large community of developers makes it easy to learn the java programming language.
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6. C: C is a general purpose computer programming language derived from an earlier language called ‘B’ (The Basic combined programming language).

C is majorly used for scripting applications which form a major part of windows, UNIX, and LINUX operating system, and it boasts of numerous benefits above other programming languages such as: It combines the features of High level and Low level programs, it is a structured programming language which allows free movement of data across its functions, it is highly portable, it is case sensitive (upper and lower case are different), it has a library which provides built-in functions, it facilitates faster computations in programs, and it is easy to learn due to the fact that its Data structures are easy to understand and its simple syntax has only 32 keywords.
7. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets otherwise known as CSS programming language is another easy programming language to learn.

CSS is basically used for describing the presentation, display of webpages and defining the style in which such webpage should appear in. it also describes how documents written in Markup language should be presented.
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8. Ruby: Ruby is an open source, high level, scripted, and general purpose programming which is used for building web applications, installing software packages, analyzing data, and providing security to your website.

Ruby is similar to English language. Hence, it is simple as well as easy to read and learn.
9. Swift: The Swift programming Language is a general purpose, powerful, and fast programming language developed by Apple Inc. and some open source contributors. Swift is used in developing and building Apps for IOS, Apple TV, Apple watch, MAC operating system, TV operating system, and LINUX.
While Swift has established itself as a programming language which produces software which is lightning fast, the swift language is also lightening quickly to understand and learn.
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10. Go: Finally on the list of easiest Programming Language to learn is the GO programming language. The GO programming language is a programming language developed by Google to simplify the syntax and general complexity of C and C++ operating system, and to be used for developing web applications with minimal framework and webservers. Over the years, GO has established itself as one of the easiest programming language to learn, especially for beginners.
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11. R: Data science, deep learning, and machine learning are three fields where R is frequently used as a coding language. This programming language is aimed at data visualization and analysis. Therefore, if you’re wanting to learn skills and knowledge of the issues you’ll encounter as a programmer, it might not be the greatest language to start with. R is frequently used to construct online applications, statistical data analysis, and scripts for a variety of purposes. Learning a general-purpose language like Python rather than R may have more immediate advantages if you’re just starting with programming.

But if you want to work with statistics or if you want to become a data scientist, you should consider learning R. This is particularly true if you’re thinking about a future in bioinformatics, as many positions in this field require R expertise.
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12. C#: This general-purpose coding language was created by Microsoft. When used in conjunction with the.NET Framework, it is especially well suited for developing software for Windows systems and building online applications.

Although C# supports a wide range of coding languages, it is frequently used in an object-oriented manner similar to Java. Because of the many similarities between its syntax and Java, programmers proficient in either of these languages should have little trouble switching between them. Here, C# is one of the simpler programming languages with an “average” level of difficulty. Although you must install and execute a compiler to generate your programs, you should have no trouble reading and comprehending the syntax.
Given the breadth of its community, there are a ton of useful online resources available for learning C#. Search engines and tutorials on the specific kind of topic you are working on can both be used to find the majority of solutions. The Unity gaming engine is perhaps one of the most well-known C#-based products.
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13. SQL: Structured Query Language is known as SQL. It is a language designed primarily for interacting with databases and working with database-stored data. Since its syntax is so similar to English’s, learning it at a young age is simple and beneficial.

Anyone who works with a lot of data, such as data analysts, data scientists, and data engineers, should pay particular attention to this. Back-end development typically makes use of SQL as well.
14. Erlang: A functional, all-purpose programming language is Erlang. It debuted in 1986 and is one of the simpler programming languages for newcomers. It emphasizes concurrent programming.

With concurrent programming, you may create systems with features and constraints that are perfect for running many, independent processes at once while maintaining communication between them. You can only program Erlang functionally, in contrast to many of the other computer languages on this list that enable several programming paradigms.
The focus of functional programming is on using mathematical operations to carry out tasks. Programming of this kind typically lessens dependency on outside states or data. In the end, it is simpler to troubleshoot and more likely to run risk-free alongside other activities.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.