Important Life Lessons to Learn Before 30 Years: Know These in Your 20s

Life lessons to learn before 30 years: Life is all about stages of experiences and lessons. While experiencing incidents is automatic and irresistible, learning their lessons is a matter of choice. One may be opened to learn from other people’s experience and mistakes which I mostly recommend, whereas others may learn better from their own experience and mistakes. Well, some people won’t learn at all. 30 is a prime age.

Approaching the age of 30 comes with mixed feelings which could be that of achievements, uncertainties, regrets as to what ought to have been done the other way, and many more. In all, the significant thing is that lessons are learnt.

You certainly do not want to experience these lessons yourself in order to learn and assimilate them. That is why this article is set to give you a forecast into life lessons one ought to learn before getting to the age of 30.

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Hard/Important Things About Life to Learn in Your 20s Before 30 years

Here are practical life lessons to learn before your 30s:

1. Prioritize Your Health in Every Decision: In life, people tend to make certain choices without putting its effect on their health into consideration. Yes, certain decisions are capable of jeopardizing one’s health. This information is a known one, yet, it may take lessons to appreciate that. Before getting to 30, one ought to have learnt that good health is a long term value.

Life Lessons To Learn By The Time You're 30
Life Lessons To Learn By The Time You’re 30

Your ability to remain productive depends a lot on your fitness. Balance must be placed between obtaining pleasure and having a healthy lifestyle.  Your health is your investment, and if you do not make certain sacrifices for it today, you may have to spend a good percentage of your earnings managing it later.

How can one’s health be prioritized? All you need to do to get healthy is to change a few habits and substitute them with some healthy ones. Invest on good nutrition, map out time to engage in body exercise, do not compromise on your sleep time, be intentional about your emotional and mental wellbeing, have a doctor whom you reach out to in case of emergency.

Have a pharmacist review your prescriptions if you ever have a cause to purchase drugs from a vendor not being a pharmacist. Notice any symptoms? Do not wait till it is late before reporting to a doctor.

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2. There are no plenty people out there: Before turning 30, it should be clear to you that there are just few persons out there. This phrase seeks to encourage the good relationships you have around you.

Important Life Lessons to learn in your 20s
Important Life Lessons to learn in your 20s

You practically have business with every other person out there except those with whom you work with, your old schoolmates, your family, friends made from different unions and organizations, etc. while with this category of people; it is a chance you have to establish a cordial and recommendable relationship with them. These are the people that would refer you to the best credits outside. These are the few people out there.

3. The act of Saving and Investment: By the time you get to 30, you’ll understand better why your big uncles and rich fathers still use their awkward android phones. It is important to learn when to save and when to invest. Once can as well save some funds for the purpose of investing same.

Lessons to learn about life when you are young
Lessons to learn about life when you are young

Whichever way, you may end up not achieving anything if you do not have the discipline to save. Most of the times, money does not come in a lump sum. Before 30, you must learn that several achievements are executed by the means of funds which were gradually accumulated.

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4. Pain does not Always Guarantee Pleasure: Working hard does not guarantee a lot of money. Making money is all about having the right platform and opportunity. Hard work will pay better when there exist a right platform.

Life Lessons I Learned Before My 30th Birthday
Life Lessons I Learned Before My 30th Birthday

5. To love is to be Vulnerable: If you must love at all, do it with all your heart. There is never a point loving where there exists no trust. Love without trust is costly. To love is to be vulnerable, irresistible and incapacitated towards the other.

Lessons to learn in your 20s before you reach 30 years
Lessons to learn in your 20s before you reach 30 years

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6. Information is Power: Information is strength and an opportunity. Information is a sector for an investment. Every living person must get informed. The act of not being informed has a penalty. Investing on information most times is not a willing act. It costs a lot of time, money, patience and other resources.

Inspirational life lessons
Inspirational life lessons

Therefore, one must be intentional about getting informed, and then uproot that which it takes to do so. People who jump into a business field without undergoing pupilage most times may end u jumping out of the business with absolutely nothing. There is no area of practice which one can venture into and become successful that does not require being informed.

People who go extra mile to obtain quality information, and people who go for a continuing information acquisition would have more rooms to do better. Having passion for information is a bonus. Learn the act of investing on information before your thirties.

7. Violence never cleans up a Mess: There has never been a time in the history where violence was said to have resolved an existing issue. What violence does is to create further pipe holes for more problems.

Things you should know about life before 30 years
Things you should know about life before 30 years

The effect of violence was the reason behind the introduction of peace and conflict resolution measures. The earlier one appreciates the negative long term effects of violence, the safer for everyone.

Violence costs a lot of energy and resources to unleash. Such energy should be channeled into something profitable. Violence would never be profitable.

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8. Self Confidence: Nobody follows a Coward: A coward does not even believe in what he is doing. Why should people ever flow with him? I regard self confidence as a virtue. It could e inherent, acquired and or developed.

Information and certainty is that which can give one self confidence. This takes us back to investing on information. When you are informed, you are powerful; you are confident.

9. Your Instincts are Always right: You must have come across the popular phrase, “follow your heart”. Yes! This is it. Your heart is there to guide you, as long as you also guide your heart in return. Human instincts are natural or inherent impulse. It is an intuitive reaction not based on rational conscious thought.

Lessons to learn in your 20s
Lessons to learn in your 20s

In fact, it is just a mere felling. Instincts are real, and when you fail to listen to them you may end up regretting. Guys! There is no time for regret. Act in consonance with your instincts. Let it come naturally. Try not to subject yourself to pressure.

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10. Plan futuristically: Have a Contingency Plan: Failing to plan is a clear plan to fail. That’s a popular highlight. Unless you do not want to live till the future, we must learn to plan for the future. Planning for the future extends to having contingency plan. Contingency plan is simply a plan B. It is an alternative plan to be put into operation if needed, especially in case of emergencies, or if a primary plan fails.

What skills do you learn before 30
What skills do you learn before 30

Before attaining 30, one ought to have learnt the necessity and act of planning, coupled with the open mindedness that a plan so prepared may turn out to be a flop. Things will not always work out as planned. Understanding this theory gives you peace.

11. Giving is an act: If you cannot give when you have little; you cannot give when you have all: Learn the act of rendering help so that it becomes an integral part of you.

Hard life lessons to learn
Hard life lessons to learn

Render help to people in your own little way. It could be of little for you but big enough for them. People never forget who put smile on their faces. There are just few people out there, and they include people whom you have restored their smiling faces.

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12. Work for your money: You need money? Go work for it. Money does not come on its own. If you do not work for your money, you’ll get nothing. Not just money. If there are things you desire to accomplish, take the necessary steps and start up something.

Lessons about life you should know in your 20s
Lessons about life you should know in your 20s

If you do not go for them, most of the times they will never come to you. People go to the hills to dig sand, to the stream to fetch water and not the other way round. Magic don’t just happen.

13. Express yourself: Being unable to express yourself will cost you a lot. It will affect your potential profits, opportunities, emotional and mental health inclusive.

Self expression makes life easier not just for you but also for the people around you. It is an impatient world with impatient people.

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14. You can be in Charge of Time: Time is a prime asset. You cannot stop the times from ticking, but you can borrow time, buy time and be in charge of time to the extent that time ticks against you in arrears. Well, there is no magic to this more than you already know.

Things you should know about life before 30
Things you should know about life before 30

The first trick of manipulating time is to respect time and be submissive to it at the very first instance. Recognize and appreciate its precious nature and play accordingly. The second trick is self consciousness.

These two theories applied together leads us to the principle of proper time management. Proper time management makes one powerful. This is a lesson to learn before 30.

15. Be Intentional about resisting Societal Pressure: 30 is s delicate age. As stated earlier, approaching 30 comes with mixed feelings which could be that of achievements, uncertainties, things which could have been done the other way, etc.

Importance life lessons I learned before turning 30 years
Importance life lessons I learned before turning 30 years

Life isn’t too serious and therefore shouldn’t be taken as such. Try not to be emotionally attached to series of life events. Societal pressure is real; be intentional about resisting them. Be at your best and remain open minded. That is the key to resisting societal pressure.

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Having unleashed 15 practical life lessons to learn before 30, devouring, assimilating and putting them into real life practice gives you some heights and easier strings to become the best version of yourself while approaching 30. Practicing the theories, there is no way happiness won’t be added to you.