How To Love A Man: The book of Ephesians 5:33 sanctions a husband to love his wife, and that wife should respect her husband. This part of the scripture is always made reference to during celebration of marriage. The preaching is always about man loving his wife. Various scripture analysts have rendered their own interpretation of this part of the scripture. Some gave it a literal interpretation to the effect that only a woman is entitled to be loved, whereas men are only entitled to be respected.
Little wonder why there are many marriages without love or with one-sided love today. It is very doubtful as to whether any love that is one-sided will work. On the other hand, other scripture analysts are of the position that there cannot be respect without love. In other words, that respect is subsumed in love and forms part of it.
In essence, one cannot respect whom she does not love. If you observe these analyses closely, one would see that both ends are implicit in today’s love affairs. A lot of people believe that men are incapable of being loved; that men are only honoured for the impacts they make. It follows that as soon as a man stops being impactful, the honour fade away.
On the basis of this analysis, a lot of ladies settle with a man that they do not love. In most events, the relationship does not work out. It is not supposed to work out in the very first instance. If animals could be loved, there is no reasonable analysis that should make sense of the motion that men are not to be loved but honoured. This forms the foundation of this discourse. It is easy to make a man feel loved.
Inasmuch as the society makes it seem like men are not entitled to enjoy certain acts of love; that is not the actual case, because men crave for and have the ability to feel loved.
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10 Ways To Show A Man You Love Him
Below are tips on how to love a man:
1. Ensure that the love you claim to feel for him is genuine: It does not seem possible to sustain a love relationship that is not genuine. Love is a feeling. If that genuine feeling does not exist, it simply does not exist. Thus, love cannot be faked. This is considered to be the first point because, there is not point being with a person you do not feel anything for. It is very important that that love existed in the very first instance.

Of course, the mere existence of love does not guarantee that the love relationship will work; hence, why there is still need to build and sustain the love. It follows therefore that where there is no love in the first place, there would be nothing to build or sustain. If the love you claim to feel for a man is not genuine, you cannot possibly love or learn to love the man.
2. Communication: Communication is one of those attributes that must exist between lovers. The importance of communication cuts across every kind of relationship. One can then imagine the degree at which communication is needed in a love relationship. Communication must not be one-sided. Your man deserves to hear from you too.

By effective communication, you do not keep your man in the dark. Communication builds trust. It is in fact a form of intimacy which men crave in a relationship. Through communication, you drive your man towards your expectations, the way you want to be loved, and many more. Where there is not effective communication, it simply means that the partners are forcing things.
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3. Be her honest girl: Men want to feel safe as well in their relationship, and not just the girls. They want to be sure of the person they are dealing with. Honesty is a way by which this curiosity can be satisfied for your man. It is through honesty that the trust of a man is gained. My being honest, you are putting the feelings of your man into consideration.

That’s an act of selflessness and love defined. Being honest to your man makes him feel loved. Honesty is not just an act; it is also a feeling. In other words, when you are being honest with someone, that person can literally feel the honesty. Honesty is an act of love. You cannot claim to love your man and yet be dishonest to him.
4. Appreciate his efforts: Appreciation is not something that comes so easily to men. In other words, ladies are often more appreciated than men. In fact, it won’t be entirely wrong to say that men are not appreciated at all. So, to men, appreciation is generally a rare commodity. One can then imagine how great a man would feel when appreciated. They feel loved and encouraged to be at their best.

Appreciation is a love language for men. One can attest that when you appreciate your man, he would want to do better than he did earlier. Let your man know that you appreciate his efforts and not necessarily the outcome. It is the effort that matters. Through appreciation men draw more strength and motivation.
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5. Spend quality time with him: Not only girls need attention. Men need attention too. To everyone, spending quality time is a love language. Everything about spending time together with your man is love defined. The thought itself; and the effort to spare your other activities just to stay with him.

It is through spending quality time together that love is built, trust is gained, and relationship is sustained. Don’t just go and spend time. Try and initiate activities to make the stay worthwhile.
6. Be affectionate: Physically affection is a way to express love for everyone and for men especially. You cannot claim to be in love with someone and not crave for a touch of him. Physical affection may be in form of touching, holding hands, hugs, kisses, and so on.

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7. Be empathetic: Empathy is a way of showing concern for another person’s feelings or emotions. Through empathy, love and understanding is shown. You man wants to know that you feel for him amidst things that may bother him.

8. Be respectful: A man is an egoistic being. The society expects some level of dominance from them. Men are expected to be in charge, take responsibilities and solve problems. This explains the hurt to their pride when they fail to solve problems. In all this expectations, your man deserves respect.

Of course, both the man and the woman deserves respect in their relationship and generally. The focus on men is because this discourse is about how to love men. Respect is reciprocal. Being respectful to your man should be a duty. One only genuinely respects whom he loves.
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9. Don’t be overpowering: Men want their space. They want their freedom to make choices. They want to feel safe with the person they are dealing with. They do not want to be controlled like a puppet or be overpowered in their own space. There are better you can get your man to dance to your tone spontaneously, and that is by talking him into it kindly, considerately, lovingly, compassionately and respectfully.

10. Buy them gifts: Men are not very used to receiving gifts. They are always at the giving end. You can make the difference. Men crave for affections in form of gifts just the same way ladies do. This is the case even when they do not voice it out directly or indirectly. For men generally, it is the thought of gifting them that matters and not necessarily the size of the gift.
Of course, this does not mean that you should get anyhow gifts. One thing about men is that when you gift them, they would want o reciprocate that in a million folds for you. That explains how much gifts mean to them, even when they act like they do not mind.

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Love must not be one-sided. And inasmuch as love is a feeling, a feeling does not speak for itself; rather, it has to be expressed through various means. Men crave for the expressions too in their love life. Learning and practising how to express love to your man makes the relationship or marriage a complete, fruitful, joyous and prosperous one.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.