Top 12 Best Police Force in the World: Imagine a world without Police Force, no, you probably can’t imagine because ever since the inception of the society, there has been a form of policing in one way or the other; a medium through which the society enforces her laws and ensures that citizens obey laid down rules and enforce punishment on whosoever disobeys such laws.

The level of training, the circumstances of their creation, the standard of their weapons and armors have contributed in this selection. The members of the Police units put their lives on the line to save and protect citizens, for this, they deserve our accolades. This ranking is based on performance and effectiveness in enforcing the law.
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Top 12 Best And Strongest Police Force in the World (2024 Ranking)
12. Norwegian Police Service: It comprises of a central National Police Directorate, seven specialty agencies and twelve police districts but its Police Service is different from the Prosecuting Authority even though there may be partial integration of the two bodies and they have a unified police system. Today, Norway has developed its Police University College where the Norwegian Police are trained and each prospective officer is trained in the area of his prospect because the education required for one police duty differs from another police task in Norway.

For instance: the officer responsible for prosecution in court need to obtain a Law degree while an officer who operates outside the court may not need it. The training is a three-year university bachelor’s degree while the second year consists of practical training in the field and all these trainings is to enhance their competence while discharging their duties or tasks.
Another fact that made Norwegian Police Force one of the best in the world is that today, some of the police officers in Norway act specially as prosecutors for minor crimes while some act specially as prosecutors for misdemeanors and felonies respectively even though there is only one civilian police force in the country.
This arrangement helps the country to observe any form of crimes as the police officers responsible for each form of crime differs from another and that is why they also refer to their police officers as specialty agencies.
Recently in 2024, the Norwegian police service has seven specialist agencies, in addition to the twelve districts who are dedicated to tasks such as border control dealing with economic crime or investigating cybercrime and they have no geographical limitation to their powers. Today, the Norwegian Police Officers are exercising these powers in different areas of responsibility such as: patrolling highways, responding to emergency calls and coordinating search, and rescue activities.
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11. Italy police force: The Italian National Police ranks tenth among the world’s top police agencies. Due to their exclusive establishment and effective implementation of the “Italian Anti-Mafia” section, they have the best trained force in the world. The team was also responsible for the capture of two of the most deadly and ruthless Mafia bosses, who were hiding in the depths of barren mountains— a point that should not be overlooked.

The Anti-Mafia police force has conducted themselves in a professional, knowledgeable, and exceedingly cautious manner, which is really praiseworthy. This division deserves praise; they have put their lives and the lives of their families on the line to ensure that Italian society is safe.
The Italian Police Force has roughly 300,000 officers, making it the European Union’s largest police force, with such number, maximum distribution is ensured.
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10. Swedish Police Force: The police force of Sweden is a National Police Force which is responsible for law enforcement, general social order and public safety within the country. Formally, policing in Sweden was organized by the Ministry of Justice.

Later, the first modern police force in Sweden was established in the mid-19th century. But recently in 2015, it was nationalized and highly centralized and as a result, formed the Swedish Police Authority for the country and today, it is one of the largest government agencies in Sweden with more than 21,375 officers (employees).
Today, the efforts of the Swedish government in fighting crimes and measuring its prevention for the future is through the police force as a Law Enforcement Authority and due to the competence of this agency, everyone in Sweden feel safe and secure, regardless of where they live or where they are per time.
It was discovered and stated by the Swedish government that the Swedish Police Authority needs more resources and greater powers which is necessary in order to reduce crimes and enhance safety and security at the national, regional and local levels of the country.
That is why the body (the Swedish Police Force) is undergoing an expansion recently as the Swedish government has invested into it.
The expansion goal is to increase the number of employees (police officers) by 2024. Today, the number of police employees had already increased by 6 500 over the previous years since 2015 and the body has almost SEK 34 billion at its disposal and the Government has also allocated additional permanent funding to the Police in order to improve its technical capabilities. All these add to the fact that Sweden Police Force is one of the best police force in the world recently.
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9. Police of China: The Police of China can be counted among the best police force in the world. The innovative training methods of which they undergo has aided a great deal in combating crime. The training of this force involves the conditioning of mind and body to be proactive and counter provocation or crime with appropriate measures. They undergo rigorous training and discipline.

They effortlessly exhume endurance and unique effectiveness. The creativity in the Police Force of China as compared to other police force is on a high level. Their tactical operations are among the world’s best. This great skill has minimized brashness usually exhibited by other police force.
The accuracy in their shooting skills, the fierceness of their hand combat can be traced to the discipline in the force. The policing system upheld by the Chinese Government has helped to streamline the force, training them to conduct their duties by the books and within the constituted law.
8. Germany Police force (BMI, Federal Police): Germany has an established facility, ‘Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei’ (German Police University)’ where all police newbies undergo intensive education and study and training. This degree of specialization in the police university has served as a means of equipping the force and regulation to ensure that each officer is equipped with the same degree of knowledge of the justice system.

The German police has strongly opposed and conquered the world’s most powerful crime leader, Adolf Hitler. Their independence in maintaining law and order throughout the Holocaust years has earned them a place in the top ten police force in the world.
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7. Australian police force (AFP): The pristine tourist attractions and the Sydney Opera House is not the only thing Australia is known for. The AFP has gained reputable influence and has climbed up the radar in becoming a powerful attraction. The AFP is known to uphold the highest standards in law enforcement.

The AFP has employed strategies to practically and effectively enforce the practice of gender equity by equipping women to combat crime. This strategy has gone a long way in eliminating the problem of women molestation, by training and equipping more women into the force, more women are kept from harm’s way and reduce cases of women being victims of the crimes on the streets.
6. US Police Force: There are several police departments in the United States. However, the NYPD (New York Police Department), LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department), CHP (California Highway Patrol), are localized and standard force.

Sadly, the method of apprehension employed by the local police departments is brutal, notorious and extremely brash but the New York Police Department is considered to be one of the best. They have achieved outstanding success in the area of crime prevention and law enforcement. The speed by which they rush to the rescue is highly commendable.
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5. JAPAN (Japanese National police): The Japanese police force receives training similar to that of the US military. The Japanese training institute, which dates back to the 1960s, is the highest training institute for leaders. The Japanese policing structure is intense, flexible and versatile. Almost every known aspect of law enforcement and crime prevention is covered by them.
The Japanese National Police Force is one of the world’s best-trained forces. As a result of this amazing performance, they are ranked as the world’s fifth best police force. Their willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty to help victims of natural catastrophes such as earthquakes and police disturbances is absolutely extraordinary and honorable.
The use of ‘Kobans’ (little sub offices) has continually proved to be effective in connecting citizens to the nearest security measure available in the face of crime.
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4. Police Force of France: The fourth on the list is the National Police of France, it has rankings as one of the best police in the world. The country of France is said to have experienced the largest bloodbath in history, thus, the common police officer is not just equipped and trained to disarm a bomb. France deliberately planned in advance before setting up their law enforcement squads.

Each squad is gi ven trainings attuned to their duties, like the municipal police are trained to combat minor crimes such as mugging, vehicle accidents, speeding fines, petty theft, etc. In the France policing system, each team is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the country’s glory is upheld at all times.
The Gendarmerie Nationale and Municipal Police are two squads of the France police units, asides this units, France has also set up tactical forces charged with doing things slightly different than the other two units, they undergo different trainings and are reserved backups to assist the Gendarmerie Nationale and Municipal Police at request.
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3. The police of Netherlands (Royal Marechaussee, The Gendarmerie): The third on the list of the top ten is the Dutch police. They are extremely well disciplined and strategically trained. The units of the Dutch police are well positioned to consist of primarily the Central Regional Police Services and these units are under the Dutch commissioner’s command.

The harmony with which this units work together is incredible. This officers are deployed to oversee the day to day affairs of citizens and to combat crime, they perform this duty with cheerfulness. The method of policing employed by the officers is that of proactivity to prevent crime even before it happens.
2. Canadian police force (RCMP): For over 100 years t he RCMP ha s provided exceptional law enforcement services, this reputation has conferred respect on the Canadian police force. This police force are aptly prepared to act proficiently in unpredictable situations and structures are put in place to prepare the force in advance.

It will be trite to say this trait among others is what puts the Canadian RCMP on number 2 of our list. The RCMP training college is a furnace under which high level of discipline is inculcated into the police officer. This realistic approach has put the RCMP in the fore front of advancement and specialized development. They are proactive in the carrying out of their duties.
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1. Police Force of England: Metropolitan (Scotland Yard Police) is the first on our top ten list, they truly exceeded the call of duty when they launched a campaign raising awareness of the police awareness number. They have successfully achieved police protection in the nooks and crannies of the UK. The standard of discipline in this force is unparalleled.

They are the most transparent police force in the world. It is an inclusive and flexible system of policing. This method of policing was founded by Robert Peel. This police is truly deserving of first place among the top 10 Police Force in the world.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.
Hahahaha the guy has written england, netherlands and france 😂😂 even if you touch a civilian as a policeman in those countries, you will end up going to jaily
Is this article for real I’m surprised the the UK police made it into any sort of ranking at all. Within the submission I see no specific content to warrant the placing as for transparency perhaps the author is confusing this with threadbare. The UK Police service requires a thorough overhaul.
Is this article for real I’m surprised the the UK police made it into any sort of ranking at all. Within the submission I see no specific content to warrant the placing as for transparency perhaps the author is confusing this with threadbare. The UK Police service requires a thorough overhaul.
And they are not even allowed to carry firearms
lmao Either you are not from the UK or you have limited life experience within this field. The Police Force in the UK regularly carry sub-machine guns and sidearms. There are restrictions are placed on the average street (walking) officer, which 9 times out of 10 is a ‘Community Officer’ known as a ‘Special’ which is a voluntary unpaid position for approx 2yrs as a preferred prerequisite for Police Force application who only carry ‘non lethal’ weapons (batons, cs, tazers etc). However fully employed Police Officers patrolling in vehicles, both marked and unmarked, are sat with a sub-machine gun across their chest for immediate response and holstered sidearms which are used for backup as a secondary.
Unfortunately the current RCMP are so heavily influenced by the political system that the leaders are picked and appointed by the prime minister usually in accordance with the political correct posture of the ruling liberal party that make sure there is women, minorities and pro liberal at the higher level weather deserved or not they are not the RCMP of years ago when they still had pride
Ha, NYPD has nothing over LAPD. NYPD cops are sloppy and lack tactical awareness.
What are you even talking about. You are the one who clearly knows nothing about English & Welsh police forces. Moron.
Sorry but you have got that totally wrong. The average British Police office does not carry a firearm whether they are walking or in a vehicle. Only specialist armed firearms officers carry these kind of weapons and they do not get deployed to every day incidents. They are there for when a firearms response is required for a suspect carrying a firearm or a knife. However the average non firearms officer will also respond to those calls. Most UK officers are ‘walking’ officers as you call them, which 9 times out of 10 will not be a Special but a fully paid full time officer, more likely 1 times out of 10 it will be a Special. Community Officers are not Specials, they are a civilian role, whereby a Special is a Police officer with the same powers as a regular officer.
De politie waar ik woon helaas in België,de nieuwe garde is arrogant en provocerend,vroeger hadden wij rijkswaterstaat deze hadden gezag en waren er wanneer nodig was,ook door leger opgeleid.
Bovendien zitten we hier met in binnenlandse zaken een trien van cdv en een in zijn wereld leven minister is van justitie,altijd met zijn speldje op van Dame Justitia,bedoelt met haar schaal voor ieder gelijk,ik kots ervan die L…van Justitia liet zelfs als Burgemeester verlaten na andere valse beloftes en ja natuurlijk een Liberaal!
Er zijn hier wel uitzonderingen,die oprecht zijn en u helpen,ja in ieder stek zit er een rotte appel