Top 17 Highest paying Jobs in the world: Different institutions pay their workers different salaries. In other words, different institutions and companies have their difference workers salary scale. Most times, in an organization, the pay amount usually differs according to the position and level an employee occupies. Also, a worker may occupy more than one position in an organization, in which case such worker will be paid higher than they would normally be paid if they occupied just one position.
The aim of every employee in every organization should be to outdo their previous monthly performance and surpass the required threshold of performance mandated by the organization. Once the employee surpasses the said threshold, he or she stands a chance for promotion. When the employee is promoted, the salary increases. The purpose of this article however is to outline some of the professions where the workers earns high salary irrespective of the position or role they hold in the organization.
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Top 17 Highest Paying Jobs In The World 2024
Below are the most lucrative and highest Paying Jobs In The World currently:
1. Surgeons: Generally, surgeons perform operations to treat broken bones and cure certain harmful diseases, such as cancer. The work of a surgeon is majorly to manage the patients care before, during and after surgery. Truthfully, becoming a Surgeon requires several years of grueling and specialized training, but the reward in the end is totally worth it.

They are one of the highest paid professionals in the world. This is also mostly because of the time and effort the job requires. Surgeons work long and irregular hours, unpredictable surgeries, trauma, neurosurgery, extended and overnight shifts. They also work on call, in case there is an emergency in the hospital. Most surgeons earn not less than $200,000 per year.
2. Obstetricians/gynecologists: These doctors earn not less than $200,000 per year. These doctors specialize in vaginal, ovarian, uterine and cervical reproductive health. They also specialize in childbirth. They can be called obstetricians or gynecologists, or OB GYN’s. They take care of the patients during pregnancy, during childbirth, and sometimes after childbirth.

They communicate information to the patient that can improve the patient’s health and also the health of the child. They must always be available in case of emergency childbirth at odd hours of the day. Even though becoming an OB GYN takes a lot of work, the end product is definitely worth it.
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3. Psychiatrists: Psychiatrist earn not less than $200,000 annually. Psychiatrists try to cultivate a warm and friendly relationship with their patients, so that their patients can open up to them. Psychiatrist basically treat mental health issues and other issues relating to psychology. While some psychiatrists focus on adolescent psychiatry, others focus on forensic legal psychiatry, consultation psychiatry and addictive psychiatry.
Some also specialize in psychoanalysis which basically deals with helping a patient remember and examine past emotions and events, so that they can understand their current feelings and events better. Psychiatrists are needed in all works of lives. They are necessary in churches, schools, hospitals, prisons, rehabilitation programs, private practice or community agencies.
4. Family medicine physicians: This used to be known as family and general practitioners. They earn not less than $200,000 annually. Family medicine physicians are physicians that diagnose, treat and help prevent diseases and injuries that commonly occur in the general population. As the name implies, they are family doctors that individuals go to before going to a specialist.

In fact, these family doctors often refer patients to specialists for advanced treatments they cannot offer. Patients go to them for periodic examination and treatment of common but health ailments. Such common ailments includes sinus, respiratory infection, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, malaria, etc.
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5. Chief executive officers: It is thought that oil and medicine are one of the highest paying industries in the world. Asides oil and medicine, chief executive officers are one of the highest paid professions. They received not less than $103,000 per year. The chief executive officer is the highest ranking employee in a company, whose duty is to control, organize, manage and make certain critical decisions in the company.

He or she also work to a steer the organization towards new market or product area, and also interface with the board of directors. The chief executive officer is paid well, majorly because of their daunting schedule. They spend an average of 62.5 hours per week on the job, both working and traveling. The work of the chief executive officer is demanding but the pay is really good.
6. Airline pilots, Co-pilots and flight engineers: Definitely, working in the transportation or aviation industry can be very demanding, as the worker will spend lots of time away from home, but it also attracts very good paychecks. As at 2019, it was said that airline pilots, Co pilots and flight engineers earn nothing less than $140,000 annually.

The pilot and copilot at the ones that operate the aircraft, and ensure a successful journey from one place to another. The pilot also oversees the members of the flight crew. The Co pilot is the second in command during the journey and assist the captain. Flight engineers on the other hand, carry out checks before each journey, they monitor carbon pressure, access how much fuel is burned, and other functions to ensure a safe flight.
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7. Petroleum engineers: It is no lie that energy sources are the lifeblood of the economy. Energy sources like fossil fuel and oil and gas, has been sustaining and will continue to sustain the economy in the future. The work of petroleum engineers, is to extract these energy directly from their sources. They also work to develop methods to extract oil and gas from its various deposits below the Earth’s surface.
This is not all, petroleum engineers extract from both new sources and existing well, they ascertain operational methods, perform a cost benefit analysis for a given project, and perform survey of geographical data with other environmentalists. There are various types of engineers with different functions. They include: completions, drilling, production, reservoir engineers etc. Petroleum engineers are paid not less than $137,000 annually.
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8. Judges, magistrates judges, and magistrates: A state of lawlessness is also known as anarchy, and it has negative impacts on the country. Therefore, there is need for laws to be promulgated and properly administered. That is why the legal profession was established to ensure that laws are obeyed and offenders are duly punished according to the law in force.

The legal industry does in fact pay well, especially to members of the bench, and legal practitioners that work directly for the government. These includes the judges and magistrates. The work of judges and magistrate is to preside over trials and hearings in court houses. Though they both serve similar functions, they are in fact different. Judges and magistrates are at the top of the legal industry, and earn not less than $136,000 per year.
9. Pharmacists: Pharmacists must possess a strong scientific aptitude, as well as good people. Pharmacy is a very good profession to venture into, as it definitely fits the bill. Pharmacy as a profession pays well, as professionals earn not less than $120,000 per year. The work of a pharmacist is to know about the side effect of a wide range of drugs and the appropriate dosing.

Pharmacists must be attentive to details, and possess excellent knowledge and information retaining skills. Like other medical professionals, pharmacist must develop good rapport with clients. Pharmacists work at retail pharmacies, hospitals, medical settings, create patient rounds with physicians, pharmaceutical companies, design drug trials, work on research and development for new medication etc.
10. Dentists: Dentists are paid nothing less than $150,000 annually. Unlike other medical fields that are demanding, dentistry is less stressful, comes with flexible scheduling and the pay is very attractive. Dentistry is definitely among the best jobs in the health sector. The work of a dentist is to analyze X rays, fill cavities, administer drugs, and extract damaged tooth.

The work of a dentist requires a strong knowledge of the best practices in the health sector, ability to develop good rapport and communication skills with patients, and attentiveness to details. It is estimated that by 2029, the employments among dentists will increase by 3%.
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11. Software Engineers: These engineers are paid high among other jobs in most developed countries of the world because their services are most relevant in big companies and organizations. These services include: documentation and testing of softwares for company clients, conversion of company business requirements into technical specifications, management of project timelines and priorities, guidance services for their subordinate software engineers.e.t.c.

All these aforementioned official duties and many others necessitated to the high remuneration arrangements for these software engineers because it is said that to whom much is given, much is required and I can also turn it the other way round in that to whom much is required, much is also given.
Today, these engineers are needed in almost all sectors of life because of the rapid growth of technology across all facets of human endeavours which include: health sectors, trading and retailing, development and research sectors, business, IT sectors, government departments, defense (army, navy, airforce), insurance, banking and finance e.t.c. As at 2024, a top senior engineer who is skillful in his job is paid an annual salary of $119,126.
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12. Data Analysts: Most recently, companies have varieties of data which they can use for different purposes such as acquisition of valuable insights among others and data analysts are needed for those purposes. They receive a lot of data (both unstructured and unstructured ones) and analyze them so as to create valuable patterns and insights and when these patterns are rightly anticipated and shared, the data analysts aid their respective companies in solving the difficulties therein.

Data analysts also have the duty of combining modelling, analytics, computer science, math, and statistic skills so as to unravel the answers to the difficulties or serious questions that can help companies in making decisions. The job requires that the analysts also need the skills for visual presentation in order to make people understand their data and trends.
Today, just like the senior software engineers, the services of data analysts are also required in different areas of a company and in other corporate entities including: transportation, entertainment, education, media, and in development of businesses. Today, they are one of the highest paid jobs with an annual salary of $119,435.
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13. Pediatrician: This is an aspect of medical profession wherein children are care for health wise and given daily treatment at any trace of ailments and doctors who undertake this tasks are known as pediatricians. Essentially, the major duties of Paediatricians are: preventing, diagnosing, and treating injuries and diseases in children.

Today, other duties include: tracing and solving (by any possible means) mental, physical, or social health problems in children so as to ensure that they are better and comfortable physiologically. Today, these services are so much required (in more developed countries) and the service providers (that is the pediatricians) are becoming popular and paid high with an annual salary of $183,240.
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14. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon: Oral and maxillofacial surgeons work in a slightly different field than regular dentists. Their primary responsibility is to perform surgeries on the jaw, mouth, and face. They concentrate mostly on the hard and soft tissues. The significance of this career is that it offers the chance to benefit monetarily while also giving back to others.

The requirements to become an oral and maxillofacial surgeon differ from nation to nation. Nonetheless, a dental degree and four years of OMFS training are typically necessary (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery). The average annual salary for an oral and maxillofacial surgeon is $332,293.
15. Anesthesiologist: General or regional anesthesia is administered by anesthesiologists, enabling surgeons and other medical professionals to perform invasive procedures with little or no discomfort to the patient. Before, during, and after surgery, anesthesiologists carefully monitor a patient’s vital signs and other essential bodily functions and, when necessary, make rapid decisions based on limited information. Saying that the job is stressful would be an understatement. However, the stress is worth the pay, as they can make about $328,526 annually.

To become an anesthesiologist, a bachelor’s degree in a subject like pre-medicine, biology, or chemistry is first required. After that, you can apply to medical school to obtain a license and a degree in medicine. Critical thinking, stress control, attention, problem-solving, and teamwork are a few of the crucial abilities needed.
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16. Investment banker: Investment bankers serve as financial advisors to businesses and even governments. They are in charge of helping companies and other similar organizations raise money for growth and advancement. Also, they must supervise an organization’s initial public offering (IPO) for a company that is about to go public. Additionally, they can be asked to set up a private placement of bonds, get ready for a bond sale, or negotiate the merger or acquisition of a rival company.

Quick decision-making in a hectic atmosphere, a practical understanding of deal structuring and closing principles, exceptional research and quantitative abilities, excellent networking, and an international perspective are all necessary. An investment banker can expect to make an amazing $209,000 annually. The median income is $102,260, while the top 25% of earners receive $131,180.
17. Project Manager: Every successful project relies on them, and they are crucial to an organization’s expansion. The duty of arranging a team to complete a job on time and within budget is the responsibility of the project manager. The position requires excellent leadership skills, sound judgment, and an in-depth understanding of the industry.

Depending on the size and nature of the firm, a project manager’s pay might range from $83,390 to $140,000 on average. The pay might go to $150,000 or more with expertise and well-completed projects. Project managers with a PMP certification might anticipate earning more money than their counterparts in the same industry. Excellent communication and negotiation skills, knowledge of project processes and tools, risk management, the capacity to lead cross-functional teams, and a commitment to continuous improvement are just a few of the important skill sets needed for this position.
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Due to the poor standard of living in the country, it is not uncommon to see graduate searching for work in top tier institutions that offer high pay. With this write up, these graduates or even high school leavers can glean the possible industries they can consider. Definitely, starting and building a career in any of them would have positive and long term financial effects on the employee, leading to early wealth and fulfillment.

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.